
Online Lecture
Achieving Equity: Closing the Gaps in Pay, Ownership, and Leadership

Dr. Ruth Williams (Wheaton Eye Clinic, Illinois) 

Dienstag, 8. Juni 2021

17:00 Uhr



The percentage of women physicians is steadily increasing. In the U.S., women in the physician workforce increased from 28% in 2007 to 36% in 2019 and just over half of U.S. medical students are now female. Despite these remarkable gains, there are persistent equity gaps in pay, ownership, and leadership.

I will present recent data describing the gender pay gap in ophthalmology along with a discussion of contributing factors and areas for additional research. The talk will also discuss female ownership of practices, property, and business as a strategy for equity. While leadership roles for women in academia, business, and medicine lag, I will share pragmatic solutions for closing these gaps.


Ruth Williams
© Ruth Williams


Dr. Ruth Williams is an esteemed thought leader and advocate in ophthalmology. She is a glaucoma consultant and partner at the Wheaton Eye Clinic.  In 2012, Dr. Williams served as president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. She is currently the Chief Medical Editor of EyeNet Magazine and each month writes pithy and widely-read columns about issues important to ophthalmologists. She served on the board of Women in Ophthalmology and chaired several symposia and its annual clinical conference.

Veranstaltet von

Projekt MedCorpInn - Retrospective Intersectional Corpuslinguistic Analysis of Radiology Reports of Innsbruck Medical University, funded by ÖAW Go!digital next Generation


Vortragsreihe LANGUAGE & HEALTH


Karoline Irschara, MA (Institut für Sprachwissenschaft)


Logos Achieving Equity Lecture



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