The different proxies
To create a grid-proxy, type the following command:
$ grid-proxy-init

This proxy lasts for twelve hours. You can specify a longer lifetime, but this implies security risks. You have to mention your virtual organisation in all further commands.
To create a voms-proxy, type the following command:
$ voms-proxy-init -voms voce

If you belong to another virtual organisation, replace voce by your organisation.
This proxy lasts for twelve hours. You can specify a longer lifetime, but this implies security risks. In some commands you may omit your virtual organisation as it is stored in the proxy.
This is the only secure long-term-proxy.
To create a myproxy, type the following line:
$ myproxy-init -d -s -R

This longterm-proxy is valid for one week and it renews every twelve hours the proxy. This long-term proxy is stored on a proxy server. With the option -s the myproxy-Server is given. If you don't use this option, the default myproxy-Server is used. You get your myproxy-Server by typing:
With the option -r the Resource Broker that is allowed to do proxy renewal is given. The option -d means that your Distinguished Name (DN) is your username, if you don't use this option your logname is taken as username. To get your logname type:
$ echo $LOGNAME
To get infos about the proxy or to delete it, you need a valid grid-proxy.
$ grid-proxy-init
$ myproxy-info -d -s

To destroy your myproxy type:
$ myproxy-destroy -d -s
Be sure that you use the same option in the different myproxy-commands: e.g. if you created your myproxy with the option -d, use it also for getting infos and for destroying.
For more details check the MyProxy-Documentation.