Travel / Accommodation / Local Information

Travel to Innsbruck

Innsbruck may be reached conveniently by plane [Airport Innsbruck], train [ÖBB (Austrian Railways)] or by car via Autobahn A12.

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Booking of accommodation will be solely in the responsibility of the participants. Innsbruck is a major tourist attraction, especially in winter, hence early booking is highly recommended. No special fees with selected hotels have been arranged, due to the nowadays more convenient online-search and online-booking of hotel rooms, e.g. via the website of the City of Innsbruck or via .

The following listing is a selection of some hotels that are centrally located in convenient distance to the conference site:



Conference Venue

The 12th Ferrocene Colloquium will take place in the main lecture hall of the Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB), Innrain 80-82, Innsbruck. Please note that there is no visitor parking available. The CCB is reached from the center of town by an approximately 20 minutes walk or by bus (line C or M, bus stop Chemieinstitut).

Winter holidays in Tyrol

For those of you who want to combine the attendance at the 12th Ferrocene Colloquium with a winter vacation, the following websites might be useful and informative:

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