
Veranstaltungen am Italienzentrum

Überblick über die anstehenden Veranstaltungen am Italienzentrum

Visual Cold War. The cultural association "Italy-USSR" and Soviet films at the Venice Film Festival

Di, 22. November 2016, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Weiherburggasse 13, Innsbruck

Starting from the early 1920s, cinema and international film festivals were the battleground for ideological struggles between the different political beliefs of the capitalist West and the Soviet Union. After the end of the Second World War the confrontation was only increasing. In his talk, Stefano Pisu will explain how 16 and 35mm film reels, sent from the Soviet Union to the cultural association “Italy-USSR”, helped to create and disseminate a positive image of socialist modernity in Italy and why Soviet officials were refusing to participate in the Venice film festival.

Referent: Stefano Pisu: Università di Cagliari

In Zusammenarbeit mit: Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit dem Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen im Rahmen des künstlerischen Rechercheprojekts „Image Diplomacy“ von Vladislav Shapovalov.

Sprache: Englisch


Reading Mountain Festival
Berge lesen – verdichtet

Mo, 05. Dezember 2016, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Claudiasaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, 2. Stock, Innsbruck

Gibt es Inseln in den Alpen? Ja, denn die Dolomiten bestehen nicht aus Urgestein, sondern sind als Riffe im Meer gewachsen, als es die Alpen noch gar nicht gab. Die „schönsten Berge der Welt“ sind gar keine Berge, sondern verdichtetes Wasser, Barrierenkalk, Sedimente, geschichtete Zeit. Wie liest man Berge, die keine sind? Cuntedes de paroles, sagen die Ladiner, Wörter dazwischen.

ReferentInnen: Prof.in Ulrike Kindl, Università di Ca’ Foscari, und Nicola Dal Falco, Schriftsteller

Moderation: Dr. Leander Moroder vom Ladinischen Kulturinstitut Micurà de Rü

Im Anschluss laden wir Sie zu einem winterlichen Umtrunk ein.

In Zusammenarbeit mit: Ständiges Sekretariat der Alpenkonvention, Ladinisches Kulturinstitut Micurà de Rü

Sprache: Deutsch/Italienisch


Towards a quantitative theory of performance and success

Mo, 23. Januar 2017, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: HS 2,EG, O-E. 04., SOWI, Universitätsstr. 15, Innsbruck

Performance, representing the objectively measurable achievements in a certain domain of activity, like the publication record of a writer or the winning record of an athlete, captures the actions of an individual entity. In contrast, success, captured by impact or visibility, is a collective measure, representing a community’s reaction and acceptance of an individual entity’s performance. We are often driven by the belief that the detection of extraordinary performance is sufficient to predict exceptional success. However, the link between these two measures, while often taken for granted, is actually far from being understood. Indeed, even experts of performance assessment are notoriously bad at predicting long-term success. Nevertheless, differently from performance, success is quantifiable and predictable: given its collective nature, its signatures can be uncovered from the many pieces of data around us using novel tools from network and data science.

In this talk I will show how we can quantify and predict success in a variety of fields. I will discuss the role of luck in achieving success, and will address the relation between performance and success in a variety of settings, highlighting the challenges of gauging performance through success.

Referentin: Roberta Sinatra, Central European University (Budapest) und Northeastern University (Boston)

Sprache: Englisch


Weitere Info: www.uibk.ac.at/italienzentrum

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