Master’s Programme Pharmaceutical Sciences – Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs

Would you like to deal with the scientific and regulatory aspects of preclinical and clinical drug development?

Registration for the admission procedure MUI

The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences – Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs, in the following referred to as PHARM_SCI, is a joint study programme of the Medical University of Innsbruck and the University of Innsbruck held in English. It provides scientifically substantiated and practice-oriented knowledge of drug development and focuses on the qualitative process of drug authorization.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is English.

Advisory Board

The admission procedure PHARM_SCI is organized and conducted by the Medical University of Innsbruck for all applicants, the admission takes place at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck.


Study Code
UC 066 862

All studiesStudent advisory service


The aim of this joint English-language Master's programme is to train experts who understand the processes required for the development of new medicinal products in their entirety and are able to apply and successfully implement them in their future professional environment.

Graduates receive a technically and scientifically sound education in the field of drug development and the regulations required for this. This includes relevant knowledge of molecular disease processes that can be influenced by drugs and the molecular structures that can be used as therapeutics.

Graduates have detailed knowledge of the strategies and methods required for the preclinical and clinical development and testing of medicinal products and the theoretical and practical regulatory knowledge required for successful marketing authorisation in Europe. They are therefore able to independently and successfully plan, organise and carry out complex projects in the context of modern drug development and accompany them through to final market approval. They have the opportunity to specialise further in the field of medicinal products within the framework of application-oriented projects.

In particular, graduates will have specialised skills in the following subject areas:

  • Preclinical drug development
  • Quality aspects of medicinal products
  • Clinical testing and development of medicinal products
  • Good manufacturing practice, good clinical practice, good laboratory practice
  • Biostatistics and data management
  • Drug regulation and marketing authorisation
  • Pharmacoeconomics, drug monitoring
  • Gender and diversity in the development and use of medicinal products

The Master's degree programme qualifies students for subsequent successful employment with pharmaceutical companies, drug authorities, clinical testing organisations and for further studies in national and international doctoral programmes.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Examination Office Information for students with disabilities



Why study Pharmaceutical Sciences in Innsbruck?

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