Bachelor’s Programme Sport Science
Would you like to acquire in-depth knowledge in the areas of fitness, health and high-performance training and familiarise yourself with performance diagnostics methods?
The students of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sport Science acquire basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, sport psychology and sport sociology as well as the core subjects of sport science such as kinesiology, biomechanics, training theory and sport pedagogy. Students receive practical training in many sports.
Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.
Study Code
UC 033 628
Supplemental Examinations
Examination to demonstrate suitable physical fitness must be completed satisfactorily before admission to the study programme.
Graduates have subject-specific knowledge in the core disciplines of sport science. They possess detailed skills of the deciding factors for sporting performance and know about situation-specific application of the essential procedure of performance diagnostics and fundamental training methods. They are able to develop and implement short- and long-term training plans. They have didactic and organizational qualifications to deal with performance athletes and health-concerned sportspersons.
The increasing importance of movement and sports as a measure to maintain and recover or improve health, fitness and life quality, on the one hand, as well as the importance of competitive sport in society and economy, on the other hand, require scientifically well-founded knowledge of people who work in relevant occupational fields. The Bachelor's Programme Sport Science conveys the necessary basic skills and qualifications for the two main areas.
The Bachelor's Programme Sport Science prepares graduates for occupational fields in
- sport facilities, sport associations and fitness centres,
- sport-scientific counselling,
- movement and sports offers for children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens to promote and maintain or recover health in competitive, leisure, trend and adventure sports,
- sports and movement programmes for workplace health promotion,
- health, sports and adventure tourism,
- sports equipment development and manufacturing,
- health-oriented treatment centres and care facilities for general health promotion, prevention and therapy with specific movement and training intervention and rehabilitation,
- competitive sports-oriented centres for all ages with comprehensive coaching (e.g. sport-specific special training, athletic training, preventive training),
- research in the field of movement and sports.
Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation
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