Bachelor’s Programme Geography

You are interested in nature, society and their interactions and want to learn more about it?

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Few academic disciplines focus solely on the study of nature and society and their interactions. Geography is the science of human-environment relationships and explores natural, societal and economic systems, its processes and manifestations in the past, present and future.

Students of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Geographie acquire comprehensive factual knowledge and methodological competencies in the fields of physical, human and regional geography.


Graduates are able to elaborate, evaluate and implement scientific and technical-methodical developments in the field of geography and to apply them in interdisciplinary contexts.

The goal of the Bachelor’s Programme Geography is to provide graduates in-depth and practical knowledge for occupational opportunities in this field. The bachelor’s programme offers a comprehensive education in the nature and processes of lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere, with special attention to practical relevance and application of knowledge.

In combination with the two other bachelor’s programmes at the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences, the fundamentals of geo- and atmospheric sciences are imparted in common modules. Based on the contents of these studies, students acquire a broad basic and networked geographical knowledge in physical geography, human geography and regional geography. The methodical subjects provide the necessary problem-solving skills. Graduates are able to analyse geography-related issues with scientific methods and thus to measure, interpret and evaluate solutions to problems. The bachelor’s thesis enables students to independently elaborate scientific and practical issues in the field of geography.

The Bachelor’s Programme Geography prepares students for a relevant master’s programme as well as careers beyond the academic area. Occupational fields of graduates are in specialized engineering and planning offices as well as in relevant economic fields.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

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Exkur­si­ons-Pre­miere mit dem Uni-E-Bus

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