Bachelor’s Programme Computer Science

Do you want to solve complex problems systematically and help shape the digitalization of the future?

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Computer Science is the key to a digitalised world. It is the study of the foundations, techniques and applications used for the automated processing of digital information. Students enrolled in the Master’s Degree Programme advance their theoretical and practical knowledge of computation in order to engage in research and invent new technologies.


Graduates are able, after a short training period, to develop and realize simple and complex hardware, software, and network systems independently in all companies and institutions. They possess theoretical and methodical in-depth knowledge to develop complex systems from existing and/or yet to be developed components.

  1. Computer scientists deal with the basics, technologies and applications of systematic and automated information processing. They provide methods and tools for mastering complex systems in natural science, engineering and almost all other areas of human life. To do so, they use both mathematical-formal as well as engineering methods. Computer scientists are in demand worldwide and across industries. Their occupational areas and work fields range from basic research to the development and operation of innovative technologies and new applications.

  2. Graduates of the Bachelor’s Programme Computer Science 
  • have a broad basic scientific education in computer science and are able to apply what they have learned to practical problems,
  • have acquired proven programming skills, are able to handle digital data and algorithms in a confident fashion and have an understanding of the architectural principles of modern information technology systems,
  • are qualified for working in the field of IT and optimally for a Master’s Programme Computer Science at university.

Computer science is the key science of digitalisation.

Computer scientists programme the future. They are in demand worldwide and across industries in almost all fields: industry, medicine, banks, insurance companies, financial service providers, software development, logistics, telecommunications, trade, IT consulting, entertainment industry, service providers of all kinds. Their areas of work and occupational fields range from basic research to the development and operation of innovative technologies and new applications. For access to highly qualified work, it is recommended to complete the Master’s Programme in Computer Science.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics Examination Office Information for students with disabilities



Why study Computer Science in Innsbruck?

"Because we work on exciting projects and solve challenges together with colleagues from many other fields of study."

– Simon Haller

"Because we can imagine creative solutions to complex problems and then work on and share them with people around the world."

Philip Merlin Salzmann

"Because here we are students from different countries, and in the demanding programme, good supervision is at the top of the list - in German and English."

– Sara Bauer


From the field

Lied­texte immer ein­fa­cher und emo­ti­o­na­ler

Englischsprachige Liedtexte sind immer simpler gestrickt und leichter zu verstehen, auch aufgrund eines geringeren Wortschatzes – insbesondere bei Rap- und Rocksongs. Außerdem wurden die Texte tendenziell emotionaler und persönlicher, zeigt ein Team um Eva Zangerle vom Institut für Informatik in einer im Fachblatt „Scientific Reports“ veröffentlichten Studie, in der die Entwicklung in den vergangenen 40 Jahren unter die Lupe genommen wurde.

Quan­ten- und Super­com­pu­ter in einem

Ein Hybrid-System aus Quantencomputer und klassischem Hochleistungscomputer soll nun in Österreich entstehen – ein wegweisendes Projekt sowohl für die Physik als auch für die Informatik. Geleitet und koordiniert wird das Vorhaben von der Universität Innsbruck.

Effi­zi­en­ter rech­nen

Innsbrucker Informatiker:innen haben in einem von der EU geförderten Projekt gemeinsam mit Partner:innen aus Italien, Schweden und der Schweiz dazu beigetragen, die Medikamentenforschung auf Hochleistungsrechnern deutlich effizienter zu gestalten.

Erster Absolvent des Master Software Engineering

Das Institut für Informatik beglückwünscht Eduard Frankford zu seinem Abschluss des Masterstudiums Software Engineering als erster Absolvent. Seit dem Wintersemester 2021 kann das Studium belegt werden.

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