Master’s Programme Information Systems

You want to create innovative information and communication systems and digitise organisations sustainably?

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The students of the Master's Degree Programme in Information Systems learn to analyse and design the sustainable digitisation of organisations, markets and societies.

Graduates of this programme qualify for leadership positions in IT and digital management. Within the programme students develop the abilities needed to create, control, manage and assess leading and innovative information and communication systems in organisations. The students acquire interdisciplinary skills and knowledge in combination with conceptual, methodological and communication competencies.


Study Code
UC 066 926

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Graduates possess highly specialized knowledge in the areas of information management, knowledge management, process management and project management. They are able to demonstrate their competences at the intersections of business administration and information technology by formulating and substantiating arguments scientifically and by solving problems innovatively.  

The goal of the Master's Programme Information Systems is to qualify students for leadership positions in IT and for IT-management tasks in companies and organizations. This includes abilities to initiate, control, manage and assess leading and innovative information and communication systems in organizations, thus achieving competitive advantages.

Moreover, IT-leadership positions require a degree of interdisciplinary knowledge in management, personnel and organization, law, finances and information systems. This interdisciplinary knowledge, together with conceptual and communicative abilities, allows graduates to work at the junction between IT and other internal departments as well as external IT-service providers. Graduates acquire the ability to offer qualified analysis of system environments at companies, considering factors such as architecture, process, service and values.

The Master's Programme Information Systems is held in English and provides an excellent basis for careers in IT-management, business consulting or an academic career through continuation to a doctoral program.

The master's programme offers vocational preparation for activities requiring leadership, analysis, planning, assessment and consultation in information and knowledge management, modelling of business processes, and the creation of information systems within the value chain. The master's programme combines the perspectives of business administration and information technology, with special consideration of information and communication systems.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Business and Management  Information from the Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management   Examination Office  Information for students with disabilities


From the field

„Oft ein­sei­tige Infor­ma­ti­ons­ver­brei­tung in Social Media“

Der Wirtschaftsinformatiker Andreas Eckhardt hat sich mit seinem Mitarbeiter Khalid Durani und weiteren Kollegen in einer aktuellen Studie den Einfluss von sozialen Medien auf den Online-Diskurs – konkret bezogen auf visuelle Medien im Krieg in der Ukraine – näher angesehen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich auch breiter lesen.

Preis für Digi­ta­li­sie­rungs­for­schung ver­lie­hen

Zum zweiten Mal hat das Digital Science Center (DiSC) in diesem Jahr den Preis für Digitalisierungsforschung ausgeschrieben. Heuer wurde der Preis von Unternehmenspartner BE-terna gestiftet, insgesamt drei Preisträgerinnen wurden vor Kurzem gekürt.

Ganz auf Linie

Wie Online-Foren Meinungen steuern, obwohl sie offen wirken, haben sich die Wirtschaftsinformatiker Andreas Eckhardt und Khalid Durani anhand eines Russland-Forums auf Reddit im Frühjahr näher angesehen, mit einem speziellen Blick auf Gatekeeping mittels Bildern.

Wirtschaftsinformatik auf Kurs

Im aktuellen Forschungsranking des internationalen Dachverbandes der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Association for Information Systems, AIS) rankt der Forschungsbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität Innsbruck auf Platz zwölf im europaweiten Vergleich. Im deutschsprachigen Raum erreicht er Platz sechs und in Österreich landet die Wirtschaftsinformatik sogar auf Platz eins.

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