Master's Programme Political Science

Would you like to specialise in European and international politics?

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The Master's programme in Political Science gives students an in-depth insight into the subject areas of comparative, European and international politics. In addition, students are taught a broad spectrum of social science methods for the analysis of politics.

Study code
UC 066 824

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Apart from subject-specific skills, graduates possess skills in other field. They are able to convey the knowledge acquired in the master’s programme clearly and explicitly to experts and the lay public. In addition to the field of European and international politics, they are able to reflect the ethical and social consequences and requirements of the use of their knowledge well-founded. They can successfully manage complex unpredictable working and learning contexts.

The core of the Master’s Programme Political Science: European and International Studies are social science studies of political orders, institutions, actors and processes on a national, regional, European and global level. The study programme conveys extracurricular social skills such as knowledge transfer and presentation skills, personal development, team skills, development of rhetorical and written skills as well as individual leadership skills.

The skills acquired in the study programme enables graduates to elaborate scientific issues independently, to evaluate scientific knowledge and to apply it in terms of new, in particular research-related contexts.

The Master’s programme prepares for activities in scientific institutions and/or positions requiring leadership, planning, analysis and consultation in public administration and in international non-governmental and governmental organizations (e.g. the European Union, the United Nations etc.) and in transnational party or trade union federations.

Have a look at some of our former students and their careers.

Graduate:innentracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation.

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

„Winter School on Federa­lism and Governance“ in 15. Runde

29 postgradual Studierende und Nachwuchsforschende aus Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Europa nehmen derzeit an der 14. Winter School on Federalism and Governance teil, die sich – ganz im Einklang mit dem Querschnittsthema „Nachhaltigkeit“ an der Universität Innsbruck - dieses Jahr dem Thema „Federalism and Sustainability“ widmet und unter der Schirmherrschaft des Europarats steht.

FWF för­dert 6 Pro­jekte

Bei der FWF-Kuratoriumssitzung im März wurden vier Einzelprojekte und zwei Esprit-Projekte von Wissenschaftler:innen der Universität Innsbruck bewilligt.

Mari­a­nne-Bar­cal-Preis 2023 ver­ge­ben

Seit acht Jahren wird der Marianne-Barcal-Preis jedes Jahr an Studierende der Universität Innsbruck verliehen, die sich durch hervorragende Abschlussarbeiten in den Fächern Zeitgeschichte, Politikwissenschaften, Geschichte sowie benachbarte Disziplinen ausgezeichnet haben. 2024 geht der Preis an drei Wissenschafter zu je 2.000 Euro Preisgeld.

Mada­gas­kar, Medien und Außen­po­li­tik im Wald

Studieren ist mehr als Zuhören im Hörsaal: Student:innen gestalten Podcasts, fahren nach Madagaskar auf Exkursion, treffen Medienschaffende und helfen, die Leistungen des Waldes zu erhalten.

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