Master’s Programme Marketing and Branding

Would you like to deepen your knowledge of marketing and brand management in an international environment?

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The Master’s programme in Marketing and Branding offers students advanced insights into marketing and branding theory and practice with a focus on its strategic grounding, digital change, future trends, sustain­ability and responsible managerial decision-making and behavior.

The programme is inter­nationally oriented and values openness and diversity, creativity and reflexivity. Graduates will enjoy a practice-oriented education, firmly based on current academic knowledge, and develop managerial and social competences, which will enable them to make well-reflected, evidence-based decisions in complex organizational environ­ments and markets.


Study Code
UC 066 617

It is strongly recommended to commence the programme in the winter semester in order to avoid study delays. If you start in the summer semester you can only attend one elective course.

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Graduates acquire comprehensive knowledge of strategic marketing, marketing research, and marketing processes and develop strong capabilities in brand building and brand management.

They are able to conduct scientific research and apply the theories and methods of marketing and branding independently. They can serve in leadership positions, shaping occupational, scientific and societal environments responsibly and actively.

The Master program in Marketing and Branding offers students advanced insights into marketing and branding theory and practice. The programme is internationally oriented and values openness and diversity, creativity and reflexivity.

Graduates will enjoy a practice-oriented education, firmly based on current academic knowledge, and develop managerial and social competences, which will enable them to make well-reflected, evidence-based decisions in complex organizational environments and markets.

The Master's Programme Marketing and Branding prepares future mid-level and top-management leaders for various roles in (profit and non-profit) organizations and companies.

Graduates acquire the fundamentals to serve in positions as brand managers, management consultants, research executives, destination managers, media experts, marketing or division leaders, and CEOs. The goal of the master's program is to train creative business experts who can excel in various cultures.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation.

Faculty of Business and Management Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Frauenrepräsentation in Ingenieurwesen und Fertigung

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Wirt­schafts­weise Monika Schnit­zer in Inns­bruck

Vergangene Woche hielt die Vorsitzende der Wirtschaftsweisen in Deutschland, Monika Schnitzer, die econ.stat lecture an der Fakultät für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik. In ihrem Vortrag im Hörsaal 1 der Sowi unter dem Titel „Wettbewerb und Innovation“ untersuchte sie anhand historischer Beispiele den Einfluss von verschiedenen Antitrust-Maßnahmen auf die Innovationstätigkeit der Wirtschaft.  

„Oft ein­sei­tige Infor­ma­ti­ons­ver­brei­tung in Social Media“

Der Wirtschaftsinformatiker Andreas Eckhardt hat sich mit seinem Mitarbeiter Khalid Durani und weiteren Kollegen in einer aktuellen Studie den Einfluss von sozialen Medien auf den Online-Diskurs – konkret bezogen auf visuelle Medien im Krieg in der Ukraine – näher angesehen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich auch breiter lesen.

Jakob Wal­ser ist Wirt­schafts­s­tu­dent des Jah­res

Der Vorarlberger Jakob Walser wurde zum Studierenden des Jahres an den wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten der Universität Innsbruck gekürt. Verbunden ist die Auszeichnung „Student of the Year in Management and Economics“ mit einem Preisgeld von 2.000 Euro, das von der Bank Austria Förderstiftung zur Verfügung gestellt wird.

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