Bachelor's Programme Architecture

You want to plan landscapes and cities, construct buildings or design interiors?

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Architects design, plan and construct our built environment on all scales; as landscape, city, building, interior or design object. The Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture introduces students to the tasks and issues of the professional field on a broad basis. Students acquire sound design, artistic, theoretical and technical skills.


Study code
UC 033 243

Supplemental Examination
Supplemental examination in applied geometry is required before completion of the bachelor's degree programme if this subject was not completed satisfactorily with at least 4 credit hours at a higher-level secondary school ("Oberstufe") after the eighth grade.

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Graduates of the bachelor’s programme are familiar with the subject-specific and societal characteristics of the profession of architects. They are capable of interdisciplinary thinking and to understand the artistic-scientific character of architecture.

They have the ability to translate their creative thoughts into architectural designs and master the artistic and technical means to depict them.

In the Bachelor’s Programme Architecture, fundamental knowledge of architecture in practice and theory is imparted on a broad basis. Therefore, artistic, theoretical, structural-historical, constructive, technical, ecological and economic aspects of architecture are important requirements, as well as the acquisition of knowledge about sociocultural factors, interdisciplinary contexts and the role of architects in society.

The programme imparts an understanding of the interaction between different disciplines in planning and construction processes as well as the interrelations with other artistic and technical disciplines. Interdisciplinary and team-oriented thinking and working are therefore just as much a part of the qualification profile as communication and presentation skills involving new media. In addition to lectures, seminars and exercises for imparting knowledge, one focus of the course is on the basics of design, which are developed in practical design studios.

The completion of a Bachelor’s Programme Architecture qualifies for work in architecture and planning offices and related activities in public administration, such as in building authorities, offices for project development and control, or in consulting, construction and planning departments of companies, architectural communication and journalism, exhibition design or in the creative industries.

The completion of the Bachelor’s degree qualifies for starting the Mater’s Programme Architecture.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Architecture Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

1.500 Jahre alter Reli­qui­en­schrein ent­deckt

Seit Sommer 2016 führen Innsbrucker Archäolog:innen in der Kärntner Gemeinde Irschen Grabungen in einer spätrömischen Höhensiedlung durch. Vor zwei Jahren haben sie eine sensationelle Entdeckung gemacht: Ein christlicher Reliquienschrein war noch in einer bisher ebenfalls unbekannten Kirche verborgen. Darin enthalten: Eine reich verzierte antike Reliquiendose aus Elfenbein.

Fünf For­schungs­preise für Archi­tek­tur nach Inns­bruck

Die Bundeskammer für ZiviltechnikerInnen hat Mitte Juni insgesamt 21 Preise für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten vergeben, fünf davon gingen an Studierende an der Fakultät für Architektur der Uni Innsbruck – die Universität Innsbruck war damit die erfolgreichste Einrichtung.

Archi­tek­tur-Inno­va­tion des Jah­res

Eine 3D-gedruckte, gewölbte Brücke, die für die Architektur-Biennale in Venedig errichtet wurde, ist von der britischen Architekturzeitschrift The Architects’ Journal zur Innovation des Jahres gekürt worden. Das spezielle Beton-3D-Druckverfahren wurde vom Innsbrucker Spin-off-Unternehmen Incremental3D mitentwickelt.

Kon­­zept für koso­­vari­­sches Kunst- und Kultur­­zent­­rum

Studierende der Fakultät für Architektur entwickelten Vorschläge für den Umbau eines neuen Kunst- und Kulturzentrums im Kosovo. Dabei bewältigten sie integrative Entwurf- und Planungsaufgaben und analysierten die Wechselwirkungen mit dem urbanen, soziokulturellen und diskursiven Kontext. Sie konzentrierten sich auf die Frage, was gegenwärtige Architektur im Stande ist zu tun.

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