30-190 Page


In the course element Page, you can insert various media into your course in an appealing design. The course element essentially corresponds to a website construction kit, with which content can be designed in a modern, block-based web layout even without specific prior knowledge.

Important steps

  1. In your course, click on Course editor at the top left under Administration. The course editor opens.
  2. Under Insert course elements in the Knowledge transfer area, select the Page element. The course element is now created in the course structure and can be moved (later if necessary) using drag & drop. Alternatively, using the Quick-Add function in the yellow-lined menu, you can enter the name of the desired course element  and insert it conveniently into your course by pressing the Enter button.
  3. In the Title and Description tab, enter the title that you want to be displayed in the course structure on the left. Click on Insert additional information to enter additional learning objectives, instructions or instructiors for the coach. You can also set link to this course element in order to refer to the course element from outside or within the course by clicking on the text highlighted in blue and copying the existing link. Save your entries.
  4. In the Visibility and Access or Learning path tabs, you can adjust the visibility and access if required:
    • If your course is a Conventional course, you will find more detailed information on this at HelpCard 10-030.
    • If your course is a Learning path course, you will find more detailed information on this at HelpCard 10-031.
  5. In the tab Layout you can change the layout of course elements. You can add different background images to individual course elements or change the font colour. You can find out how to do this at HelpCard 10-033.
  6. Click on the Page content tab and then on Edit page. The editing mode opens.
  7. To create new content, first select a layout template by clicking on Add a new layout.
  8. Click on Add content to fill the layout. You can choose from the following content:
    • Title: Titles use the predefined sizes and styles h1, h2, etc.
    • Paragraph: A text that can be designed with a small HTML editor.
    • Table: Table that can be designed in an associated popup.
    • Math formula: Creation of mathematical formulas.
    • Code: Display of programming code without execution.
    • Document: Word, PowerPoint or Excel documents can be uploaded or created directly. PDF and other documents can be uploaded or taken from the Media Center.
    • Audio: Select audio, re-record it or add it as an MP3 or m4a file.
    • Image: Insert an image from the Media Centre or upload.
    • Video: Insert a video file from the Media Centre or upload or new recording
    • draw.io diagram: Create new or select from the list.
    • Quote: Quotes can be stored and reused in the Media Centre as independent content elements.
    • Select from my Media Center: Access to all elements of your own Media Centre.
    • Text section: A text that can be designed with an HTML editor. (With slightly more options than in the Paragraph content element).
    • Separator: A line that visually separates two layouts.
  9. Once you have completed the content creation, click on Back.

  10. Click on the red X at the top right to close the Course editor. To publish the change, select the option Publish automatically (for further information on publishing, see HelpCard 10-020). The course view has been adjusted to include any changes made.

  11. To edit the page again, click on the created page in the course structure and select the Edit mode On button at the top right. In the editor that opens, you can edit the page independently of the course editor.
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