Audio and Video Production
There are a myriad of choices for how you can produce videos and record audio for your lectures.

In the Lecture Hall
A lot of lecture halls have been supplied with complete recording studio equipment. The advantage of this method is that you can use all available aids and tools in the lecture hall (blackboard, document camera, tablet-PC) in your recording. The recordings are saved automatically on the Opencast-Server and integrating them in your OpenOlat courses is very easy.

In the AV-Studio
In the rooms of the AV-Studio you can produce video recordings in front of a greenscreen or audio recordings with a professional studio microphone. Please refer to the Abteilung Digitale Medien und Lerntechnologien for a more thorough consulting on your options.

Production of teaching materials
Media didactical and media production experts accompany your project starting with the planning and conception, checking the technical requirements and until the publication of your teaching materials.

Adding sound to PowerPoint-Presentations
Directly in the PowerPoint program you can record yourself speaking in tandem with your slides and then save the resulting presentation as a video for your students.

Opencast Studio
Opencast Studio is an easy-to-use browser-based application with which you can record both your screen and/or yourself via webcam together with the audio signal. The results will be saved to the university-internal Opencast-Server and can be easily integrated in your OpenOlat courses.

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)
OBS is a free program with which you can record individual videos and stream them live. This program is very extensive and powerful. Thus, we recommend this program mainly to people who are willing to put in the effort to learn more about the software.