Online Teaching
A collection of useful information, tips and tricks to develop and customize your digital teaching.

Trainings and self-learning courses in the field of digital teaching and learning technologies.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about OpenOlat, electronic exams, and web conferencing systems.
Consultation and Support
Consulting Service
Digitale Medien und Lerntechnologien – ZID
Innrain 52d
6020 Innsbruck
E-Mail: elearning@uibk.ac.at
How to use the digital tools and services surrounding e-learning at the University of Innsbruck:
digi-bites: Sign up for the newsletter
Important information
eExams Update auf OO Version 19.0.3
Am 05.09.2024 steht die Prüfungsplattform eExams.uibk.ac.at aufgrund eines System-Updates nicht zur Verfügung. Falls Sie an diesem Datum eine Prüfung durchführen, bitten wir Sie, sich mit unserem Support (DW 23999; E-Mail e-campus@uibk.ac.at) in Verbindung zu setzen.
Quicklinks for students
Learning Management System OpenOlat
View the results from the exam server (Pen&Paper exams/Exam server)