20-030 Member roles


Within a course there are different roles (Owner, Coach and Participant). You can view, manage and change who has which role in the Members management (see HelpCard 20-020). Apart from the roles Coach and Participant there are also Group coach and Group member. Member is the common term for all users in any given role in a course.

Important Steps

  1. Open your course via Authoring. Select Administration and choose Members management in the menu. The Members window opens up. With the menu to the left you can view and manage the Members, Groups, Bookings and Rights to a course.

  2. Choose Members in the menu to the left. A list of all members will be shown. 

The role(s) of a member are shown in the Roles column. The following roles are possible:

  • (Course) Owner: Has all rights to the course.

  • (Course) Coach: Can assess (course) participants.

  • (Course) Participant: Can view all accessible and visible course elements.

  • Group Coach: Can add, manage and remove members of a group. Group coaches can assess course elements linked to the groups.

  • Group Member: Can view course elements linked to the group in addition to viewing all other course elements. 

Please note:

  • Tests done in the role of Course Owner, Course Coach or Group Coach will NOT be saved.
  • It is possible to allocate the roles of Course Owner, Course Coach or Group Coach to students. Users with these roles have access to for example test results, course participation data and uploads from course participants. Please consider the allocation of these roles carefully.

Assigning various roles

The author of a course is automatically its Owner. More Owners as well as Coaches and Participants can be added manually. This is done using the Members management, selecting Add member or Import members (see HelpCard 20-020).

In order to add members to a group, the group has to be created first (see HelpCard 20-010). The owner who created the group is automatically its Group Coach. More Group Coaches can be added manually (see HelpCard 20-020). Group Members can be added manually or can add themselves to a group via the course element Enrolment in a course (see HelpCard 30-010).

If you would like to change a member’s role or assign another role to them, you can do so with one click onto the name of the relevant person. For more than one such changes, tick the checkboxes besides the relevant members and click onto the button Edit at the bottom of the page. In the Edit member window that opens up next, you can edit the roles of all these members at once.

With the button Purge members you can delete all users that are course as well as group members (duplicates). You can choose if the purge should be implemented for Coaches and/or Participants.

In a conventional course you can regulate the access and the visibility with groups (see HelpCard 10-030).

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