Herbarium IB

Curator Konrad Pagitz

Konrad Pagitz   Konrad.Pagitz@uibk.ac.at   +43 512 507-51059

Staff Cäcilia Lechner-Pagitz

Caecilia.Lechner-Pagitz@uibk.ac.at   +43 512 507-51172

The Herbarium IB is a member of the "Open Scientific Collections Austria" (OSCA) consortium.

The herbarium of the Institute of Botany of the University of Innsbruck (acronym IB) hosts about 150,000 specimens, mainly ferns and flowering plants (about 125,000) and a small proportion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and algae.

The basic stock consists of historical specimen dating back the 18th century. Important collectors are Rudolf Berger, Emil Diettrich-Kalkhoff, Helmut Gams, Fredina, Heinrich & Hermann Handel-Mazzetti, Franz Freih. von Hausmann, Anton Heimerl, Joseph Peyritsch, Viktor Schiffner, Rudolf Seeger, Friedrich Stolz und Franz Tappeiner. More recent collections are by Inez & Sigmar Bortenschlager, Rupert Düll, Brigitta Erschbamer, Bozo Frajman, Georg Gärtner, Paul Hofmann, Cäcilia Lechner Pagitz & Konrad Pagitz, Hans Pitschmann, Herbert Reisigl and Peter Schönswetter.

Der Herbarbeleg aus dem Jahr 1909 zeigt einen gepressten Beleg eines  Habichtskrautes aus Südtirol.
Der Herbarbeleg zeigt den Holotypus-Beleg von Ranunculus sarntheinianus, einem Nordtiroler Endemiten, der 2020 neu beschrieben wurde.
Der Herbarbeleg zeigt den Isotypus von Rubus noricus, eines 2021 neu beschriebenen Subendemiten Österreichs.

The collection is constantly beeing expanded. Today, the geographic focus is on the Alps, the European mountains and eastern and southeastern Central Europe. Older collections up to the second half oft he 20th century were also made in the Mediterranean region and, in case of mosses, liverworts and lichens also Scandinavia.

Beside general collecting activities, special collections such as genera Euphorbia, Knautia, alien plant species or the extensive collection of recent brambles flora in the Eastern Alps reflect current research activities.

The collections are available after prior arrangement with the curator.

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