
Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 19.06.24

Banking on a future for humanity-plant conservation in the 21st century

Dr. Hugh Pritchard

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 05.06.24

The lichen photobiont Trebouxia: what we know and don't about its life cycle

Fabio Candotto Carniel, Ph.D

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 29.05.24

Thermonasty in Rhododendron

Prof. Dr. Rajeev Arora

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 08.05.24

The multiple functions of plant lipid droplets – what we can learn from the proteins associated with them

Prof. Dr. Till Ischebeck

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 24.04.24

Phosphate transport in mycorrhizal symbiosis: A molecular perspective

Prof. Dr. Marcel Bucher

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 10.04.24

The roles of non-structural carbohydrates in the hydraulic regulation of plants under drought

Martina Tomasella, Ph.D

Fle­der­mäuse Tirols

4. April 2024, 18:oo Uhr

Wissenswertes über Biologie der faszinierenden Flugakrobaten und Einblicke in den Fledermausschutz von Toni Vorauer, Biologe und Fledermausschutzbeauftragter des Landes Tirol

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 20.03.24

RegioDiv – Genetic diversity patterns of herbaceous plants in Germany and practical implications for seed zone management

Dr. Walter Durka

Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 06.03.24

Flower scent as pollinator attractant: basic, applied and climate change research

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Stefan Dötterl

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