41-020 Create synchronized exam groups for eExams


For eExams exams with the Safe Exam Browser VIS-synchronized exam groups can be created.

For how to create a non-synchronized exam group, see HelpCard 40-031 (e.g. for overall exams or manual groups).

Important Steps

Create exam appointment 

  1. Log in to VIS:online.
  2. Click on the tab Studium and in the drop-down menu on Teilnehmerverwaltung.
  3. In the search field, find the course for which you want to create an exam appointment.
  4. Click on Neuer Termin and create a new exam appointment.
  5. In the last step, make sure to check the box for Safe Exam Browser.
  6. Students can now register for the appropriate exam groups/appointments in LFU:online.
  7. Registrations must be confirmed in VIS:online.


Room booking

  1. Log in to VIS:online.
  2. Click on the Verwaltung tab and in the drop-down menu on TVR (Terminverwaltung für Ressourcen).
  3. Click Räume in the menu and select the room where you want to hold the exam.
  4. Click on the Eigenschaften (properties) of the room.
  5. Contact the Ressourcenverwalter (resource administrators) indicated there and indicate that it is a Safe Exam Browser booking.


Add group to course

  1. Click the Groups tab and open the group you want to add to the course.
  2. Click Administration in the group and then click the Courses tab.
  3. Click Add course and select the appropriate course.
  4. The group has now been added to your course.


Customize test configuration and assign group to test

  1. Now switch to your course and there to your test.
  2. Click on Administration and in the drop-down menu on Course editor.
  3. In the test course element, click on Visibility and Access.
  4. In each tab select Depending on group.
  5. Under Only for learning groups click Select
  6. Select the appropriate test group and click on Apply.
  7. Save the change.
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