10-090 Lifecycle of Courses


According to the OpenOlat Terms of use, the following deletion deadlines are set for courses:

  • 18 months after the end of the semester: Courses are set to "Finished" status.
  • 24 months after the end of the semester: Courses are moved to "Trash".
  • 1 month after being moved to "Trash", courses are permanently deleted.

Finished status: No new updates or activities can be added. The course content remains accessible for teaching and reference purposes.

Trash: All users from the course are removed, the course itself becomes invisible. The course can be restored if required.

Permanently deleted: The deletion process removes all course content. If learning resources such as tests, blogs, forms or portfolios are in the course owner's personal folder, all course information is permanently archived as a zip file under /private/archive.

You can find the Terms of use in OpenOlat under Profile -> System settings -> Terms of use.

Important Steps

  1. You can find out how to save course content in HelpCard 10-060.
  2. If there is a good reason for courses to be available for longer than the lifecycle, you can request an extension from the Service Desk. In the interests of data economy and data protection and to ensure smooth operation, we ask you to handle data and resources with care.
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