New Red Data List of vascular plants of Tyrol
Project leader: Konrad Pagitz
Project members: Ines Aster
Funding: Tyrolean Nature Conservation Fonds
Duration: 2021–2023
For the Tyrolean Flora a very extensive data collection on vascular plants is available. The total database of the vascular plants of Tyrol comprises approx. 1.4 million data sets and contains all important data collections for the flora of Tyrol. In addition, in two recently finished projects also financed by the province of Tyrol, the state of knowledge for about 250 very rare or endangered species could be updated. Thus, a valid basis for an update of the Red List of Tyrol is available.
The new Red List Tyrol is intended to meet international standards. The criteria of the classification are based on the international IUCN criteria or modified versions, as they were also used in Austria and neighboring areas. Due to the different conditions in North and East Tyrol, the species are classified separately for the two parts of the country. The Austrian Red List, which is about to be finalized, serves as a basis. This ensures maximum compatibility with current Red Lists of neighboring areas, but especially with the updated Red List of Austria.
The project is managed by Konrad Pagitz and carried out in cooperation with M. Thalinger (Tyrolean State Museum), O. Stöhr (REVITAL), P. Schönswetter (Department of Botany, University of Innsbruck), W. Michaeler (Department of Environmental, Province of Tyrol).
Rote Liste und Checkliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Nord- und Osttirols

Stuckenia pectinata

Gentiana cruciata

Potentilla nivea