(Inter-)national research cooperations

The Institute of Romance Studies is closely linked to other research institutions and cooperates nationally and internationally with other institutions beyond the personal research networks of its lecturers, who cooperate, for example, with researchers from other European, North and South American universities.

At the University of Innsbruck itself, the Institute of Romance Studies cooperates closely on research and events with various country and regional centres as well as other internal university research centres, such as:

The interdisciplinary research centre Cultures in Contact promotes scientific cooperation and academic exchange between researchers at the University of Innsbruck who deal with cultural contact. This includes cooperation in research projects, workshops or joint publications.
Contact: https://www.uibk.ac.at/kik/

The interdisciplinary France focus promotes scientific cooperation and academic exchange between researchers and teachers at the University of Innsbruck and various universities in France.
Contact: https://www.uibk.ac.at/frankreichschwerpunkt/index.html.de

The interdisciplinary Italy Centre promotes scientific cooperation and academic exchange between researchers and teachers at the University of Innsbruck and various universities in Italy.
Contact: https://www.uibk.ac.at/italienzentrum/

The Centre for Inter-American Studies promotes scientific cooperation and academic exchange on all-American topics, focusing on the entire American double continent in a scientific-interdisciplinary manner.
Contact: https://www.uibk.ac.at/zias/

The interdisciplinary Centre for Canadian Studies promotes scientific cooperation and academic exchange between researchers and teachers at the University of Innsbruck and various universities in Canada.
Contact: https://www.uibk.ac.at/canada/

Beyond the University of Innsbruck, there are international, intra-Romance research cooperations between the Institute of Romance Studies and institutions worldwide, which lead to joint international academic activities at regular intervals:

As early as 1980, Prof. Dr. Wolfram Krömer of the University of Innsbruck and Prof. Dr. Feliciano Pérez Varas of the University of Salamanca founded an Austrian-Spanish network for the purpose of cooperation between Austrian and Spanish universities. This network soon led to joint projects and a lively exchange between the same and still enjoys great popularity. The most important activities include scientific cooperation, jointly supervised European doctorates, joint publications, mutual invitations to guest lectures and, as the highlight of the tried and tested joint project, the interdisciplinary Austro-Spanish symposia, which take place every two to three years alternately at different Austrian and Spanish universities and of which there have been fifteen so far.The leaders of the "Austro-Spanish Symposia" have for some time been Prof. Dr. Dr. Paul Danler of the University of Innsbruck and Prof. Dr. Patricia Cifre Wibrow and Prof. Dr. Raúl Sánchez Prieto of the University of Salamanca.

Contact: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Paul Danler

1st Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Spain and Austria 1800 - 1850.
Innsbruck-Igls, 21 - 26 September 1980.
[Acts: W. Krömer (ed.), Spain and Austria 1800 - 1850. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Special issue 52. Innsbruck: 1982]

2nd Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Spain and Austria in the first decades of this century.

Salamanca, 14-18 December 1981

3rd Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Spain and Austria in the Baroque Period. Kremsmünster, 25-30 September 1983.
[Acts: W. Krömer (ed.), Spain and Austria in the Baroque Age. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Special issue 58. Innsbruck: 1985]

4th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Romanticismo en Austria y España.
Valencia, 25-30 September 1985.
[Acts. Joaquín Espinosa, Emil Casanova (eds.): Homenatge a José Belloch Zimmermann a cura de Joaquín Espinosa i Emil Casanova. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, Quaderns de Filologia 1998].

5th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Spain and Austria in the Renaissance.
Vienna, 21-25 September 1987.
[Acts: W. Krömer (ed.), Spain and Austria in the Renaissance. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Special issue 66. Innsbruck: 1989]

6th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: La época de Carlos III de España y María Teresa de Austria.

El Escorial (Madrid), 25 - 30 September 1989.

7th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: 1492 - 1992: Spain, Austria and Ibero-America. Innsbruck, 16 - 21 March 1992.

[Acts: W. Krömer (ed.), 1492 - 1992: Spain, Austria and Ibero-America. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Special issue 86. Innsbruck: 1993]

8th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: models of thought.
Tarragona, 13 - 18 December 1999.
[Acts: J. Jané (ed.), Models of Thought. Universitas Tarraconensis Special Issue 1. Tarragona: 2000]

9th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Spain and Austria in the 20th Century. Direct and Indirect Contacts.

Vienna, 22-29 September 2001.
[Acts: W. Krömer (ed.), Spain and Austria in the 20th Century. Direct and Indirect Contacts. Anif-Salzburg: Mueller Speiser, 2002.]

10th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Austria, España y Europa: identidades y diversidades - Austria, Spain and Europe: Belongings and Delimitations. Seville, 9-13 November 2004.
[Files: M. Maldonado Alemán (ed.), Austria, España y Europa: identidades y diversidades - Austria, Spain and Europe: Belongings and demarcations. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2006].

11th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Austria, Spain and European Unity. - Austria, España y la Unidad Europea.
Graz, 16-20 May 2006.
[Acts: P. Danler et al. (eds.), Austria, Spain and the European Unity. - Austria, España y la Unidad Europea. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2007.]

12th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Centro y periferia en Austria y España: Aspectos lingüísticos, literarios y culturales.
Santiago de Compostela, 19 - 22 November 2008.
[Acts: (I) C. Buján López/M. José Domínguez Vázquez (eds.), Centros y periferias en España y Austria: aspectos literarios y culturales. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009; (II) C. Buján López/M. José Domínguez Vázquez (eds.), Centros y periferias en España y Austria: perspectivas lingüísticas y traductológicas. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009.]

13th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: Types - Classes - Forms. Métodos y tradiciones de clasificación en España y Austria.
Salzburg, 25-29 May 2011.
[Files: Paul Danler/Christopher F. Laferl/Bernhard Pöll (eds.), Types - Classes - Forms. Methods and Traditions of Classification in Spain and Austria. Vienna et al.: LIT Verlag, 2013].

14th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: " Extremos ".
Alcalà de Henares, 8-10 May 2014.
[Acts: Pichler, Georg (ed.), Extremos. Visiones de lo extremo en literatura, historia, música, arte, cine y lingüística en España y Austria. Peter Lang: Frankfurt a.M. et al., 2017.]

15th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: "Chronos-Kairos-Eon, all a question of time?" Schloss Hofen/Lochau, 17-20 May 2017.
[Acts: Danler, Paul (ed.), Chronos-Kairos-Äon, alles eine Frage der Zeit? Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2019]

16th Spanish-Austrian Symposium: 'Naciones, nacionalidades y fronteras'. Salamanca, 17 - 19 May 2023.

Starting in March 2024, the international doctoral colloquium between the Romance Studies departments of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Silke Jansen) and the University of Innsbruck (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jannis Harjus) will take place, at which the current dissertation (and also habilitation) projects of the staff members of the respective Romance Studies departments (Spanish and French) will be presented and discussed.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jannis Harjus, University of Jyväskylä

Since 2020, the research cooperation francophonies has linked the Francophone Research Seminar Leipzig (FFSL)/University of Leipzig and the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Innsbruck and has set itself the goal of institutionally and thematically networking the francophony research based at the institutions. In addition to the development and implementation of joint research initiatives (research days, conferences, publications), the focus is also on the targeted promotion of young researchers (francophonies research day, joint dissertation supervision, etc.). In 2022, a first joint conference will be held on the topic "Transgressions en tous genres. Subversions et inter-dits dans les littératures et films (franco-)maghrébins de l'extrême contemporain" will take place.

Contact: Prof. Dr Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner

Homepage: Francophonie

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