Building bridges to the future ...

... since 1669! Founded over 350 years ago, the University of Innsbruck today is the most important research and educational institution in western Austria, offering a wide range of programmes across all disciplines. Located in the heart of the Alps, it offers 28,000 students and 5,500 employees the best conditions.


Start of studies (summer)
From January to February, the Student Advisory Service offers various services to make it easier for you to start your studies! Come to the open consultation and use the virtual info sessions to get information and clarify your questions. 

Study Programmes
Find out more about our study programmes and choose from more than 160 courses.

Counselling Services
Various contact points are happy to help pupils, prospective students and students.

10 reasons to study at the University of Innsbruck
There are many good reasons to study at the University of Innsbruck. Innsbruck also has a lot to offer.



New mass spec­trom­e­ter for biomolec­u­lar research

Researchers at the Department of Organic Chemistry and the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), led by Kathrin Breuker, have been awarded funding for a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer in a competitive FFG infrastructure call. The instrument will open up new possibilities for biomolecular research at the University of Innsbruck.

Cal­cu­lat­ing error-free more eas­ily with two codes

Various methods are used to correct errors in quantum computers. Not all operations can be implemented equally well with different correction codes. Therefore, a research team from the University of Innsbruck, together with a team from RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich, has developed a method and implemented it experimentally for the first time, with which a quantum computer can switch back and forth between two correction codes and thus perform all computing operations protected against errors.

Stressed soil: How drought is chang­ing grass­land

How will the future of our soils - and thus also water availability - be shaped by the effects of impending climate change? An international study led by Jesse Radolinski and Michael Bahn from the Department of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck shows how drought, warming and increased atmospheric CO₂ concentrations are changing existing hydrological processes in soils and challenging the resilience of ecosystems. The findings were published in the journal Science.

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Holger Bonin

5 March

Event Tipp

econ.­s­tat lec­ture: Hol­ger Bonin

The econ.stat lecture is a regular lecture series at the University of Innsbruck that deals with current topics in economics. Holger Bonin will give the third econ.stat lecture in March 2025. Bonin has been Scientific Director at the Institute for Advanced Studies since July 2023. Previously, the economist was Research Director of the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) in Bonn and taught economics with a focus on labour market and social policy at the University of Kassel.


Mountain Regions

We collect knowledge for the development of habitats and natural areas in mountains worldwide.


We drive forward biomolecular and biomedical developments.

Digital Science

We are driving digitalisation in research.

Materials and nanosciences

We utilise the synergies between physics, chemistry, earth sciences, pharmaceutics and civil engineering.


We ask questions about cultural dynamics and transformations.


We explore the workings of nature - from elementary particles to galaxies.

Scientific Computing

We contribute to solving complex, data-intensive problems in all scientific fields.

Economy, Politics & Society

Together, we get to the bottom of the big questions facing society across disciplinary boundaries.

Gender Studies

We research, theorize and deconstruct gender and gender relations.

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