Die Universitätspartnerschaft zwischen den Universitäten von Innsbruck und New Orleans hat über die Jahrzehnte eine enge akademische und kulturelle Verbindung zwischen den beiden Universitäten geschaffen und zahlreiche erfolgreiche gemeinsame Initiativen ermöglicht. Keinen geringen Anteil an der Zusammenarbeit haben die regelmäßigen gegenseitigen Lehr - und Forschungsaufenthalte
Ziel des Mobilitätsprogrammes ist die Förderung nachhaltiger akademischer Beziehungen und innovativer Forschungskooperationen, sowie die Erschließung neuer Wege für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen unseren Institutionen.
Institutionen UNO, LFUI
Zielgruppe Professor*innen, Senior Scientists, Senior Lecturers
Aktivität Gastbeiträge/Forschung (bilateral)
Dauer 3-4 Wochen
Support finanziell, administrativ
Bewerbung via E-mail
Summer 2017: Dr. Ryan Gray (Anthropology)

D. Ryan Gray (Department of Anthropology, University of New Orleans) specializes in recent historical archaeology. His dissertation (University of Chicago, 2012) examined race, segregation, and the origins of public housing in the U.S. His recent projects in New Orleans range from the archaeology of the city’s earliest Colonial-era cemetery, to that of the ‘Storyville’ red light district, sometimes regarded as the birthplace of New Orleans jazz.
This summer, in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck, he will lead an archaeological field school searching for the crash site of a Tuskegee Airman from World War II.
Summer 2015: Renia Ehrenfeucht (Planning and Urban Studies)
Renia Ehrenfeucht from the University of New Orleans spent as a guest scientist a month at the University of Innsbruck. Her main areas of research are: shrinking cities and public spaces. Her current research investigates three complementary areas that integrate key questions about shrinking cities with questions about informal urbanism, and more specifically public space activity in gentrifying urban context.
Institutionen UNO, LFUI
Zielgruppe Professor*innen, Senior Scientists, Senior Lecturers
Aktivität Lehre/Forschung (bilateral)
Dauer 1 Semeser (Fall: Aug.- Dez., Spring: Jän. - Mai)
Support finanziell, administrativ
Anfrage via E-mail
Fall 2019: Harald Stadler (Archaeology)
He was Visiting Professor at the UNO in 2019. His main fields of research are Prehistory and early history of the inner Alpine region, archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Period.
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Spring 2017: Doris G. Eibl (Romance Languages)
She was Visiting Professor at UNO’s Department of English and Foreign Languages. Her main fields of research are the contemporary French novel and the Quebec novel in the 20th century. She wrote a Ph.D. thesis on the novels of the Suzanne Jacob („Romaneske Un-Heimlichkeiten im Spannungsfeld von Postmoderne und ‚écriture au féminin’ – Suzanne Jacob und der Quebecker Roman seit 1976“).
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Fall 2016: Gerhard Rampl (Linguistics)
He was Visiting Professor of Linguistics at the Foreign Languages Department of UNO. His main fields of research are onomastics, geographical information systems, interactional onomastics, and new media.
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Spring 2016: Andreas Oberprantacher (Philosophy)
He was Visiting Professor at the Department of History of UNO. His main fields of research are philosophy in a globalized world, political theory and aesthetics, social and cultural philosophy, media and technical philosophy, theory of the social and cultural sciences, peace and conflict research, and qualitative social research and philosophy of science.
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Spring 2011: Christina Antenhofer (History)
She was Visiting Professor at the UNO. Her main fields of research are history of the middle ages and historical complementary science. She wrote a postdoctoral thesis on mankind-object relations in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance on the example of princely courts of the southern German and northern Italian region. Her doctoral thesis is about the correspondence about Paula de Gonzaga und Leonhard von Görz (1473-1500).
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Spring 2003: Heinrich Neisser (Political Science)
Spring 2001: Kerstin Fink (Information Systems)
Spring 2000: Friedrich Roithmayr (Information Systems)
Spring 2000: Erna Appelt (Political Science)
Spring 1999: Roland Hinterhölzl (Civil Engineering)
Fall 1998: Josef Quitterer (Christian Philosophy)
Spring 1997: Erna Appelt (Political Science)
Fall 1994: Rolf Steininger (Contemporary History)
Fall 1994: Peter Wagner (Mathematics)
Spring 1991: Paul Tschurtschenthaler (Economics)
Spring 1991: Ferdinand Karlhofer (Political Science)
Spring 1989: Heinz Tiefenthaler (Street and Traffic Planning)
Spring 1989: Günther Lorenz (History)
Spring 1988: Rainer Gstrein (Music)
Spring 1987: Andreas Maislinger (Political Science)
Fall 1985: Erich Thöni (Public Finance)
Spring 1984: Rainer Nick (Political Science)
Fall 1983: Franz Mathis (History)
Fall 1981: Anton Pelinka (Political Science)
Spring 2020: Günter Bischof (History)
He was Visiting Professor at the Department of History of the Univeristy of Innsbruck. Günter Bischof is Marshallplan-Professor for History and Director of the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies at the University of New Orleans. His main research interests are American & European Diplomatics, 20th Century, and Central Europe.
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Spring 2019: Ryan Gray (Anthropology)
He was Visiting Professor in Innsbruck in 2019. Ryan Gray is the Richard Wallin Boebel Endowed Professor in Anthropology and Sociology at the University of New Orleans. He specialises in historical archaeology, especially urban New Orleans and southeastern Louisiana.
Fall 2017: Olivier Bourderionnet (Foreign Languages)
He was be Visiting Professor at the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Innsbruck. His main research interests are: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature and culture, French Cultural Studies, literary criticism and theory, French poetics, French song from the troubadours to techno, jazz studies, Post-colonial theory, cinema and film theory.
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Spring 2017
Andrea Mostermann (History)
She was Vistiting Professor at the Department of History and Philosophy and the Department of American Studies of the University of Innsbruck. In her work, she explores the multi-faceted dimensions of slavery, slave trade, and cross-cultural contact in the Dutch Atlantic and Early America.
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Spring 2016: Günter Bischof (History)
He was Visiting Professor at the Department of History of the Univeristy of Innsbruck. Günter Bischof is Marshallplan-Professor for History and Director of the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies at the University of New Orleans. His main research interests are American & European Diplomatics, 20th Century, and Central Europe.
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Spring 2011: Molly Mitchell (History)
She was Visitng Professor at the Department of History of the University of Innsbruck. Her main research interests are the U.S. South, Slavery & Emancipation, Nineteenth-Century Cultural History, and Visual Culture.
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Spring 2003: Michael Huelshoff (Political Science)
Spring 2002: Steven Shull (Political Science)
Spring 2001: Dennis Gleiber (Political Science)
Spring 1999: Dinah Payne (Management)
Spring 1999: Frederic Dimanche (Health, Recreation, Tourism)
Fall 1998: Jim Stone (Philosophy)
Spring 1997: Michael Huelshoff (Political Science)
Spring 1997: Christine Day (Political Science)
Fall 1996: Milton Pressley (Marketing)
Fall 1994: Michael Huelshoff (Political Science)
Spring 1991: Charles Rees (Mathematics)
Spring 1991: Christine Day (Political Science)
Spring 1990: Milton Pressley (Marketing)
Spring 1989: Mickey Lauria (Urban & Public Affairs)
Spring 1989: Willerd Fann (History)
Spring 1988: Charles Blancq (Music)
Spring 1987: Charles Hadley, Jr. (Political Science)
Spring 1984: Werner Feld (Political Science)