Transatlantic Lectures
Prof. Dr. Robert Rollinger at the University of New Orleans
Professor Rollinger from the University of Innsbruck, Department of Ancient History and Oriental Languages, gave a talk on the Persian Empire and its vast extent. The discussion after the talk mainly concentrated on comparative Empires and how today's Regimes in Iran see themselves in the Tradition of Cyrus the Great and his vast imperial ambitions.
Olivier Bourderionnet at the University of Innsbruck
Olivier Bourderionnet Visiting Professor at the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Innsbruck. His main research interests are: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature and culture, French Cultural Studies, literary criticism and theory, French poetics, French song from the troubadours to techno, jazz studies, Post-colonial theory, cinema and film theory. On December 5, 2017 he will give a guest lecture on "Politique et poétique de Boris Vian: un dialogue avec le jazz en prose et en chanson".
Günter Bischof at the University of Innsbruck
Günter Bischof is Marshallplan-Professor of History and Director of the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies at the University of New Orleans. He visited Center New Orleans on June 22, 2017 for a guest lecture on "Der Marshallplan. Die Rettung Europas und der Wiederaufbau Österreichs".
Andrea Mosterman at the University of Innsbruck
Andrea Mosterman is an assistant professor in Atlantic History at the University of New Orleans. In her work, she explores the multi-faceted dimensions of slavery, slave trade, and cross-cultural contact in the Dutch Atlantic and Early America. She visited Center New Orleans on June 12, 2017 for a guest lecture on "Sharing The Home: Slavery, Space, And Family In Early New York's Dutch Communities".
Prof. Dirk Rupnow at the University of New Orleans
Prof. Dirk Rupnow from the University of Innsbruck currently holds the Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair at Stanford University. He visited Center Austria on March 7, 2017 for a guest lecture on "Austria and Migration: The Current Refugee Crisis in Historical Perspective".

Dr. Doris Eibl at the University of New Orleans

Dr. Doris Eibl from the University of Innsbruck was Visiting Professor at UNO’s Department of English and Foreign Languages in the spring semester 2017.
On February 21, 2017, Dr. Eibl held a lecture on “Emancipation in Exile – Surrealist Women Artists and Writers in Mexico: Leonora Carrington & Remedios Varo” at the International Center at the University of New Orleans.
Dr. Gerhard Rampl at the University of New Orleans
Dr. Gerhard Rampl from the University of Innsbruck was Visiting Professor of Linguistics in the Foreign Languages Department of UNO for the Fall Term on 2016. His family was accompanying him during his stay in New Orleans.
On October 16, 2016, Dr. Rampl held a lecture on the topic “Naming Swamps and Avalanches: Place Names in Tyrol and Louisiana” at the International Center at the University of New Orleans.
Guest Lecture by Prof. Nancy Maveety at the University of Innsbruck
On April 21st 2016, the American Corner and Center New Orleans welcomed political science professor Nancy Maveety from the Tulane University in New Orleans, to Innsbruck.