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The Department of Political Science counts numerous graduates every year. As a former student, lecturer, researcher, or employee, we invite you to join our new alumni network. Let's keep in touch!

On these pages, we present our alumni network as well as portraits of some graduates.

Our Alumni Network

Our former students and graduates are a vital part of our department. We hope to stay in touch with our alumni post-graduation. Remain an active part of our department-community. Register now for our alumni network to stay in contact with your former fellow students and colleagues. You will regularly receive updates from our department and information about events and career opportunities.

Powi Network


As alumni of our programme, you are qualified to work in a wide range of sectors including the media, (public) administration, research facilities, and non-profit organizations.

Discover a few of our graduates' portraits to explore some career opportunities and see, how many doors the political sciences can open.

Studying Political Science - But What's Next?

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