Doctoral Programme Law

Would you like to gain detailed knowledge of the scientific disciplines relevant to your dissertation?

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The goal of the Doctoral Degree Programme in Law is to develop academics and highly qualified experts for senior professional positions. The students learn to undertake research work independently and in a methodologically correct way with a dissertation as the final assessment.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 796 200 xxx

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Graduates are qualified junior academics. They have mastered the methods applied in research in their area and are capable of critically discussing, analyzing, and further developing theories. Junior academics possess the competence to develop and conduct substantial research projects with scientific integrity, and they are qualified to reflect on these processes scientifically and theoretically. They are also aware of issues and questions in gender research.

The Doctoral Programme in Law is grouped among the legal sciences. It serves to train academic researchers and professionals for high-level legal positions. The goal of the programme is to enable graduates to conduct original and methodologically sound scientific work independently, demonstrated by the achievement of the dissertation.

The programme also serves as training for aspiring academic researchers, building on the foundations of diploma and master's studies. In addition to the acquisition and further development of scientific knowledge, the doctoral programme helps students acquire key qualifications, such as theoretical reflection, independent learning, scientific discourse, interdisciplinary and international dialogue, the presentation of research findings, and the tranfer of knowledge.

Graduates acquire an awareness of legally and ethically problematic areas and their effects on society and its development. They are also able to present scientific findings and to discuss and critically analyze their own and others' findings, concepts and projects with colleagues, lay people and scientifically-aware audiences. The Doctoral Programme in Law meets international standards.

Occupational fields include the classic legal professions as well as other highly-qualified careers at universities, in research and educational institutions, in diplomatic service, in European and international organizations, in national and international companies, and in key political positions.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Law Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

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