(acronym for Biological Pest Control) is an EU-funded project to develop entomogenous fungi for the control of subterranean insect pests like scarabs and weevils.
Specific objectives include: reducing production costs, risk assessment, stabilising virulence and optimising the impact of the biocontrol agent against target pests.
BIPESCO project (FAIR-98-4105) has been officially evaluated as one of the sixteen agricultural success stories under the Fourth Framework Programme (FAIR).
The success stories were drawn from the 239 selected projects across the six sub-areas that go together to make up Area 4 (booklet) and the overall ranking for BIPESCO project was FIVE with an Impact Score: 187.
Runtime: 1999-2002
Project Team
- Strasser Hermann (Co-ordinator)
- Barbara Pernfuß
- Daniela Abendstein
- Hermann Stuppner
Partners RTD Project Reports
For further information please contact:
Mag. Dr. Hermann Strasser, Co-ordinator, Institute of Microbiology,
Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25,
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: +43-512-507/6008
Fax: +43-512-507/2929