Former Research Groups
Quantum Condensed Matter: From Field theory to Machine Learning
The research group of Mathias Scheurer deals with the theoretical description of the emergent collective phenomena that arise in interacting condensed matter systems as a result of competing interactions, disorder, and topology.
More specifically, we are interested in unconventional and topological superconductivity, complex phase diagrams, the impact of impurities in crystals, spin-orbit coupling, magnetism, spin liquids and topological order, moiré superlattice systems, and non-Hermitian many-body physics. To address these problems, we use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques of quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. Furthermore, we explore the potential of machine-learning to address problems of many-body physics.

Former Head of the Research Group
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Mathias S. Scheurer
Tel. +43 512 507 52224
Administrative Assistant
Birgit Laimer
Tel. +43 512 507 52203
Quantum Condensed Matter Theory / Computational Physics
This research group is interested in the theoretical and computational exploration of correlated quantum matter in condensed matter and AMO systems.
We strive to understand novel phases of matter, quantum critical phenomena and quantum systems out of equilibrium. Our research builds on a blend of concepts and ideas from condensed matter theory, statistical mechanics, quantum field theory and quantum information. We also develop and implement innovative computational algorithms in order to perform large-scale computer simulations on high-performance computers.

Former Head of the Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Läuchli
Entanglement Theory & Quantum Information Theory
The main research interests of Barbara Kraus' group are fundamental problems within Quantum Information Theory. We focus on the development of new theoretical tools for the investigation of quantum many-body systems. One of our aims is to achieve a better understanding of multipartite entanglement. To this end, we are working on the qualification and quantification of multipartite entangled states.
Moreover, we are investigating the complexity properties of multipartite systems. We are working on new applications of multipartite entanglement and novel tools for the generation and manipulation of many-body states in specific experimental set-ups, such as trapped ions or atoms in optical lattices.

Head of the Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Kraus
Tel. +43 512 507 52219
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
Tel. +43 512 507 52208
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
The research topics of Peter Zoller's group are located in the fields of theoretical quantum optics and atomic physics, quantum information and the theory of condensed matter. The focus is on the theoretical description of real physical systems in close cooperation with experiment, as well as interdisciplinary connections between the aforementioned fields.
Research activities focus on the targeted generation, simulation and investigation of new quantum many-body systems consisting of atoms, ions or molecules, or hybrids of optomechanical and solid-state systems. In addition, the research group develops new possibilities and protocols for applications in the field of quantum information and communication technology.
For more information please visit: AG Zoller at IQOQI

Head of the Research Group
Prof. Dr. Peter Zoller, Emeritus
Tel. +43 512 507 52224
Administrative Assistant
Elke Wölflmaier
Tel. +43 512 507 4781
Mathematical Physics
Dr. Gebhard Grübl, Associate Professor retired
The mathematical physics group of Gebhard Grübl was working on mathematical problems which for instance emerge from a rigorous formulation of quantum systems from the perspective of Bohmian mechanics.
For more information please visit Mathematical Physics or the homepage of Gebhard Grübl.

Plasma & Energy Physics
Dr. Siegbert Kuhn, Associate Professor retired
Dr. Klaus Schöpf, Associate Professor retired