PhD Program Economics and Statistics

Would you like to work intensively on economic and socio-political questions and develop new research methods?

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The PhD Program in Economics and Statistics is offered jointly by the University of Innsbruck and the University of Linz, leading European institutions for empirical economics and data science as well as behavioral and experimental economics.

The programme is open to students from around the world, provided they hold a Master’s degree or equivalent. Students become competent researchers within the research community investigating economic and socio-political problems in depth and developing new research methods.

The topic of a dissertation should be aligned with the research interests of potential supervisors. Please check the faculty pages to learn about the research interests of potential supervisors. It is highly recommended to contact potential supervisors before finally applying to the programme.


Study Code
UC 794 355 xxx

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Graduates acquire the ability

  • to write scientific papers that meet the international standards of peer-reviewed publications;
  • to contribute to the international research network; to develop independent research programmes with scientific integrity and to successfully introduce and implement these at national and international research funding agencies;
  • communicate with their professional environment, the scientific community and society in general about their specialist field.

The work of the graduates of the PhD Program in Economics and Statistics mainly consist of:

  • to conduct theoretical and empirical research in economics or statistics and to publish internationally in economics or statistics,
  • to apply theoretical and empirical research methods to solve (economic-political) problems and to develop them further for new problems.

Graduates will find their professional field of activity among other things:

  • at universities,
  • in research institutions and other post-secondary educational institutions,
  • in research departments of the European Central Bank, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, of other banks, rating agencies, regional development companies, market research institutions as well as in other companies and commercial organisations,
  • in research departments of international organizations such as the OECD (Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation), EU (European Union), IMF (International Monetary Fund) or the World Bank,
  • in research departments of public institutions, interest groups and NGOs (non-governmental organisations),
  • in politics and the media,
  • in the national statistical institutes, in particular Statistics Austria and the regional statistical offices.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

The next online session takes place on December 11th, 2023 at 3pm. You can attend the session via the follwing link:

Faculty of Economics and Statistics Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

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2015 fand die Landtagswahl in Oberösterreich auf dem Höhepunkt der Flüchtlingskrise in Europa statt. Der Wirtschaftsforscher Andreas Steinmayr untersuchte in diesem Zusammenhang, wie sich die Präsenz von Geflüchteten auf die Stimmabgabe für rechtspopulistische Parteien auswirkt. Ergebnis: Wo Geflüchtete langfristig untergebracht waren, reduzierte sich der Stimmenanteil für die FPÖ.

Finanz­pro­dukte: Warum wir Risi­ko falsch be­wer­ten

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