Any events organized by DiSC will be announced on this page.
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- - for (mostly) research-related events, such as the DiSCourse Seminar or events from DiSC-related research groups. Communication mostly in English.
- - exclusively for the announcement of our events series DiSCussion. Communicaton in German.
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You can watch selected talks on our YouTube channel or in our public course "Digital Science Center - Talks" on OLAT. (If you are not a uibk member and are prompted to log in, you can log in as a guest).
Upcoming events
DiSCourse Seminar - 14 March 2025
DiSCourse Seminar with Hauke Licht at 12:00 (CET).
Topic: Metadata-aware transformer fine-tuning: Mitigating regression-to-mean bias in text classification
DiSCourse Seminar - 11 April 2025
DiSCourse Seminar with Roberto Viviani at 12:00 (CEST).
Topic: Using Large Language Models to Teach Statistics
Past events
#TechDiplomacyTalk - 24 January 2025
Invitation to the #TechDiplomacyTalk: “Introduction to Quantum#TechDiplomacy – Geopolitics, Innovation, Governance and Ethics”. Friday, 24 January 2025, 14:00-17:00 CET, at Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna. Hybrid event in English, available on BMEIA YouTube channel. With, among others, Matthias C. Kettemann from the Department of Legal Theory and Future of Law, director of the Innsbruck Quantum Ethics Lab and associated researcher at the DiSC.
DiSCourse Seminar - 24 January 2025
DiSCourse Seminar with Alexandra Zachariadou at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Taxonomic and functional diversity of marine microbiota in multi-stressed coastal sites along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc
wAIke Up: Coffee with AI - 6 December 2024
Friday, 6 December 2024, 9:00-10:30, SR 9, Ágnes-Heller-Haus
A lot has happened in the field of AI in 2024, not least at the University of Innsbruck. New initiatives, new learning tools, new perspectives for self-determined use.
Do you know what resources are available at the university? And what developments are coming in 2025? The Vice Rectorate for Digitalization and Sustainability invites you to look at the topic from various angles at this get together.
DiSCourse Seminar - 29 November 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Nicola Brocca at 12:00 (CET). Topic: LLMs and Pragmatics: Insights from Linguistics and Language Education
Online Impluse Series: AI in Vocational Training
Experts from education, business and media - including Prof. Justus Piater from DiSC and Matthias C. Kettemann from the Department of Legal Theory and Future of Law - discuss current trends and developments in five impulse sessions and povide insights into the future of work. The talks will be in German.
DiSCourse Seminar - 25 October 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Andreas Körner at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Variegated Poché: Design Research on Surrogate Models for Ageing Architecture
DiSC Award Ceremony - 23 October 2024
Ceremony for the Award of Digitalization Research 2024. Start: 16:30 (CEST). Venue: Aula of the Main University Building. Registration required!
DiSCourse Seminar - 13 September 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Antoine Doucet at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Information Extraction from Noisy Text Output
DiSCussion - 5 June 2024
The next DiSCussion will take the form of a hands-on workshop to experiment with AI tools. Registration required. As usual, it takes place in the Innsbruck city library, starting at 18:00 CEST. The event will be in German.
Long Night of Research - 24 May 2024
The DiSC has a booth titled "How diverse is the Digital Science Center?" at this year's Long Night of Research. Visit us!
DiSCourse Seminar - 17 May 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Astrid Bötticher at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Technology Regulation
DiSCourse Seminar - 3 May 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Katharina Walter at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Sustainable Use of AI in Translation: A Linguist's Perspective
DiSCussion - 21 March 2024
The next DiSCussion will be dedicated to the use and misuse of AI. Professor of Information Systems Andreas Eckhardt and philosopher Assoc. Prof. Marie-Luisa Frick will tackle the question "What is AI capable of?". It starts at 18:00 CET and takes place in the Innsbruck city library. The event will be in German.
DiSCourse Seminar - 19 January 2024
DiSCourse Seminar with Andreas Eckhardt at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Visual Audience Gatekeeping on Social Media Platforms: A Critical Investigation on Visual Information Diffusion Before and During the Russo–Ukrainian War
DiSCussion - 11 January 2024
The next DiSCussion with lawyer Prof. Matthias C. Kettemann and philosopher Prof. Anne Siegetsleitner will be concerned with legal and ethical aspects of AI. It starts at 18:00 CET and takes place in the Innsbruck city library. The event will be in German.
Colloquium - 24 November 2023
Colloquium Trinitarian Anthropology of Technology, Friday, 24 November – Saturday, 25 November 2023, Dekanatssitzungssaal of the Faculty of Theology.
DiSCourse Seminar - 17 November 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Alexander Ostermann at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Scientific Computing at the University of Innsbruck.
DiSCussion - 13 November 2023
A new edition of our events series DiSCussion with computer scientist Prof. Justus Piater and literary scholar Ass.-Prof. Brigitte Rath on the technical foundations of AI technologies such as ChatGPT. It starts at 18:00 CET and takes place in the Innsbruck city library. The event will be in German.
Licht-Spiel-Haus - 31 October 2023
Game demonstration and discussion of Until Dawn in the context of the event series Licht-Spiel-Haus at 20:00 (CET), organized by the Research Group Game Studies. Halloween special!
DiSCourse Seminar - 20 October 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Edoardo Mandolini at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Microbial Interaction in Snow-covered Habitats.
DiSC Award Ceremony - 03 October 2023
Ceremony for the Award of Digitalization Research 2023. Start: 16:00 (CEST). Venue: Aula of the Main University Building. Registration required!
Licht-Spiel-Haus - 22 June 2023
Game demonstration and discussion of Immortality in the context of the event series Licht-Spiel-Haus at 20:00 (CEST), organized by the Research Group Game Studies.
DiSCourse Seminar - 12 May 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Adam Jatowt at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Estimating Information Expiry Date of Text.
DiSCourse Seminar - 05 May 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Francesca Finotello at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Charting Tissue Complexity Through Transcriptomics Deconvolution.
DiSCourse Seminar - 21 April 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Samuele Tosatto at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Training Symbolic Machines with Reinforcement Learning.
Licht-Spiel-Haus - 28 March 2023
Game demonstration and discussion of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe in the context of the event series Licht-Spiel-Haus at 20:15 (CEST), organized by the Research Group Game Studies.
DiSCourse Seminar - 17 March 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Yu Suzuki, Gifu University, at 12:00 (CET). Topic: High-quality Social Media Analysis using Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning.
DiSCourse Seminar - 03 March 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Galina Andreeva, University of Edinburgh Business School, at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Algorithmic Bias in Credit Scoring: Lessons Learned and Unresolved Problems.
DiSCourse Seminar - 27 January 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Marica Valente at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Quantifying Informal Employment From Irregular Migration Shocks.
DiSCourse Seminar - 24 January 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Johannes Hoff at 13:00 (CET). Topic: Embodied Cognition and Transindividuation: The Anthropological Challenge of the Digital Transformation.
Inaugural Lecture - 17 January 2023
Inaugural Lecture by Adam Jatowt at 17:00 (CET). Topic: Computer, Text & Time: Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Technologies for Accessing and Understanding Temporal Information.
DiSCourse Seminar - 12 January 2023
DiSCourse Seminar with Leonhard Dobusch at 13:15 (CET). Topic: Openness as Organizing Principle: Dilemmas across Domains.
DiSCourse Seminar - 04 November 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Alexander Kupfer at 12:00 (CET). Topic: “What A Great Deal” – Why Decomposing Textual Aspects of Online Customer Reviews Can Be Useful.
Licht-Spiel-Haus - 03 November 2022
Game demonstration and discussion (in German) of What Remains of Edith Finch in the context of the event series Licht-Spiel-Haus at 20:15 (CET), organized by the Research Group Game Studies.
2 Million Minutes of DiSC - 20 October 2022
Postponed inaugural ceremony and anniversary party for DiSC combined in one event. Start: 16:00 (CEST). Venue: Ursulinensaal.
DiSCourse Seminar - 07 October 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Felix Holzmeister at 12:00 (CET). Topic: The Variability of Scientific Results: Analytical and Design Heterogeneity.
DiSC Award Ceremony - 27 September 2022
Ceremony for the Award of Digitalization Research 2022. Start: 16:00 (CEST). Venue: Claudiana. For invited guests only!
DiSCourse Seminar - 23 September 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Michael Färber, KIT, at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Knowledge Graph-based Recommendation for AI-Powered Research.
Guest Lecture - 28 June 2022
Guest Lecture by Dr. Roland Vogl, Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, at 18:00 (CEST). Topic: Robolawyers, Computational Law, and Legal AI.
Festival of Diversity - 25 June 2022
The DiSC has a booth titled "Science and You! Breaking Stereotypes in the Digital Sciences" at this year's Festival of Diversity (Fest der Vielfalt). Visit us!
DiSCourse Seminar - 24 June 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Gerald Hiebel at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Knowledge Graphs and Maps for Mediaeval Mining Documents.
Student Information Event - 09 June 2022
Would you like to kickstart your career with the Minor Digital Science or the Supplementary Program Computer Science? Then join us for this virtual information event on 9 June 2022, 16:00 (CEST)!
Long Night of Research - 20 May 2022
The DiSC has a booth titled "Where are digital methods being used?" at this year's Long Night of Research. Visit us!
Pint of Science - 11 May 2022
Session by Justus Piater at 19:00 (CEST) at this year's pint of science event. Topic: Robots that learn like humans?
DiSCourse Seminar - 06 May 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Matthias C. Kettemann at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: US Elections, the World's Virus and Russia's War: Conflicts as Drivers of Change in Online Speech Governance.
DiSCussion - 06 April 2022
DiSCussion with Prof. Dr. Dr. Rafaela Hillerbrand, Professor for Ethics of Technology and Philosophy of Science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), at 18:00 CEST. The talk is in German. Topic: Alles Fake? Vom Umgang mit Risiken und Unsicherheiten der Wissenschaften am Beispiel der Energiewende.
DiSCourse Seminar - 25 March 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Gabriel Rojas at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Fault Detection in Buildings Using Data-Driven Models.
DiSCourse Seminar - 11 March 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Rainer Böhme at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Watching and Policing Decentralized Finance.
DiSCourse Seminar - 18 February 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Anna Wallerman Ghavanini at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Understanding Law through Empirical Methods and Digital Tools.
DiSCourse Seminar - 14 January 2022
DiSCourse Seminar with Daniel Woods at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Privacy Preference Signals: Past, Present and Future.
DiSCourse Seminar - 19 November 2021
DiSCourse Seminar with Lorenzo Vignali at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Abstract and Concrete Semantic Representations.
IEEE/RSJ 2021 - 27 September 2021
DiSC member Matteo Saveriano co-organizes a workshop at IEEE/RSJ 2021 and gives a talk on: Hierarchical action decomposition and motion learning for the execution of manipulation tasks.
DiSCourse Seminar - 02 July 2021
DiSCourse Seminar with Miguel Rodríguez-Rojas at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: How can you live together? Using environmental genomics to understand how microbes form communities.
Student Information Event - 27 May 2021
Would you like to kickstart your career? Then join us for this virtual information event at 16:00 on Twitch and learn about two options and how you can flexibly incorporate them in your major!
DiSCourse Seminar - 16 April 2021
DiSCourse Seminar with Catie Welsh at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Detection of Mitochondrial DNA Variants from Next-generation Sequencing Data.
DiSCourse Seminar - 26 February 2021
DiSCourse Seminar with Matthias Schurz at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Separating the Neural Building Blocks of Social Cognition.
Austrian Cultural Forum Ottawa - 28 January 2021
DiSC member Matteo Saveriano gives a talk for the Austrian Cultural Forum Ottawa. Topic: Making robots to learn from human observation.
DiSCourse Seminar - 22 January 2021
DiSCourse Seminar with Clara Rauchegger at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Illegal content on social media: A legal perspective on the responsibilities of platform providers.
DiSCussion - 18 January 2021
DiSCussion with Ingrid Brodnig, journalist, book author and Digital Champion of Austria in the EU Commission at 18:00 (CET). The talk is in German. Topic: Alles Fake? Über neue Formen der Manipulation in digitalen Zeiten - Von Falschmeldungen, über Bots, bis hin zu Wahltricksereien.
DiSCourse Seminar - 30 October 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Barry Smith at 13:00 (CET). Topic: The Impossibility of Digital Immortality.
DiSCourse Seminar - 26 June 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Mark Alfano at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Technologically Scaffolded Atypical Cognition: The Case of YouTube’s Recommender System.
Student Information Event - 09 June 2020
Would you like to kickstart your career? Then join us for this virtual information event at 14:00 on Twitch and learn how you can turbocharge your digital skills!
DiSCourse Seminar - 08 May 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Joseph Wang-Kathrein at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Learn from Wittgenstein’s Error: Why Certain Forms of AI Cannot Work.
DiSCourse Seminar - 21 February 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Kohei Watanabe at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Measuring Geopolitical Threat over 150 Years through the New York Times: Technology and Methodology for Analysis of Ultra-sparse Data.
Primer for Predocs - 29 January 2020
Head of DiSC Justus Piater gives a talk on Digital Science at Heidelberg University.
DiSCourse Seminar - 20 January 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Kenneth Benoit at 14:00 (CET). Topic: More than Unigrams Can Say: Detecting Meaningful Multi-word Expressions from Political Texts.
DiSCourse Seminar - 08 January 2020
DiSCourse Seminar with Simon Olsson at 16:00 (CET). Topic: Machine Learning in the Biomolecular Sciences.
DiSCourse Seminar - 29 November 2019
DiSCourse Seminar with Reto Stauffer at 12:00 (CET). Topic: Hourly Probabilistic Snow Forecasts for Tyrol: A Hybrid Statistical Ensemble Postprocessing Approach.
Inday Students - 26 November 2019
The Digital Science Center presents itself at this year's inday students at the Department of Compter Science.
DiSCourse Seminar - 11 October 2019
DiSCourse Seminar with Katherine Dormandy at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: Digital Whiplash, and the Importance of Analytic Philosophy.
DiSCourse Seminar - 17 July 2019
DiSCourse Seminar with Matteo Saveriano at 12:00 (CEST). Topic: From Intuitive Skill Transfer to Large-Scale Robotic Knowledge Bases.
DiSCourse Seminar - 10 July 2019
DiSCourse Seminar with Sébastien Court at 11:00 (CEST). Topic: Designing Mathematical Tools with Machine/Deep Learning Techniques.
Recurring events at DiSC:
DiSCourse Seminar
The DiSCourse Seminar was conceived to give our researchers at DiSC, their PhD students, the researchers that are associated with DiSC, and our guests the opportunity to present their research and discuss it. The talks' target audience is academics working in an interdisciplinary context, but they are open to anyone interested. The talks are held in English.
DiSCussion stands for the dialog between science and society. To facilitate this dialog, the Digital Science Center (DiSC) invites proven experts from within and outside of academia to share their insights on ongoing trends and up-to-date topics related to digitalization with an interested general audience. The speakers may be renowend researchers or well-known people from the private sector or politics, but they may also be media representatives or book authors. The talks are held in German.