
Rethinking Peace and Conflict in the Age of AI Podium
December 12: Podium discussion on Rethinking Peace and Conflict in the Age of AI

UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies Inauguration
January 26, 2023, 17-19h: Where are we going? Futures of peace, dialogue and global citizenship

Identity, culture and conflict: 25 years after Huntington's Clash of Civilisations
Panel discussion on 25 years after Huntington's Clash of Civilisations

Religion Matters: On the significant of religion in conflict and reconciliation
On Wednesday 24th March 2021, In Conversation with... will invite Dr. Christine Schliesser to discuss the role of religion in conflict and reconciliation.

Symposium on Current Trends in Contemporary Peace Research
A unique symposium on Current Trends in Contemporary Peace Research will take place on Wednesday, March 17th, 2021.

Suizid und der Weg damit Frieden zu finden
September 2020: Fachtagung & Arbeitskreis „Suizid und der Weg damit Frieden zu finden“ am 7. Innsbrucker Fachtagung "Tabu Suizid - wir reden darüber" - Fällt Coronabedingt aus!

Virtual 33rd Opening Ceremony of the MA Program on July 2, 2021 at 2:00pm
Virtual 33rd Opening Ceremony of the MA Program on July 2, 2021 at 2:00pm

Lernraum für Gemeinschaftsbildung und Konfliktkultur - GECKO
24. - 26. Juni 2021 - Lernraum für Gemeinschaftsbildung und Konfliktkultur - GECKO. Einladung zur Einreichung & Teilnahme.

Black Lives Matter! Rassismen in den USA & weltweit
30.6.2020, 19:00: Podiumsdiskussion im Rathaus Innsbruck

POSTPONED: Peaces and Peace Studies in the Horn of Africa and around the World
International Conference Call for Papers and Panels

20.02.2020, 19:30: 3rd Innsbruck Peace Lecture
February 20, 2020 at 7:30 pm at the Innsbruck City Hall (6th Floor, Plenary Hall): Walt Kilroy, Associate Director of the Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) at Dublin City University

32nd Peace Studies Opening Ceremony
15.01.2021 - 4pm/16h CET - 32nd Opening Ceremony of the MA Program in Peace Studies - save the date!

17.01.2020, 20:00: 30th Peace Studies Semester Celebrations
The MA Program at the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies is celebrating its 30th jubilee. Join the academic festivities on this occasion.

11.12.2019,16:30: Urban Land Expropriatoin in Dire Dawa
Hilina Ashenafi (Haramaya University, Ethiopia) presents about her dissertation project "Transrational and Elicitive Conflict Analysis towards Transformation in Urban Land Expropriation: The case of Dire Dawa"

12.12.2019, 16:00: Movie Presentation Griefwalker
How are we dying, letting go and dealing with death and dying in our cultures? We invite interested people for an afternoon to watch and discuss together the documentary “Griefwalker” on the palliative work of Stephen Jenkinson. We will have time to exchange our insights that we would like to share on the addressed topics.

26.-29.09.2019: Peace Elicit Death
Next Peace Elicit comming up soon! Peace Elicits ist ein Alumni Projekt, welches Orte und Begegnungen schafft, die sich der elicitiven Friedensarbeit verschreiben. Das nächste Treffen findet Ende September statt und läd alle Friedenwissenschaftler*innen, -arbeiter*innen, -fürsprecher*innen und -aktivist*innen ein, um das Thema Tod zu erforschen.

23.+29.06.2019: Charity Concerts
The University of Innsbruck Orchestra in cooperation with the Peace Studies Fund invites to two charity concerts in support of international students at the MA Program for Peace Studies.

29.06.2019: Many Peaces Magazine Volume 10 Launch Event
The Many Peaces Magazine is celebrating the launch of its 10th Volume.

28.06.2019: Opening Ceremony Peace Studies MA Program Summer Term 2019
A night of academic celebration: The UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies invites to the Opening Ceremony of its MA Program on Friday June 28th 2019.

06.06.2019: Symposium Krieg und Journalismus
Öffentliche hochkarätig besetzte Podiumsdiskussion in der Stadtbibliothek Innsbruck.

ABGESAGT: 17.05.2019: Interventionen in der Friedensarbeit
ABGESAGT: Kamingespräch mit Adham Hamed im Haus der Begegnung in Innsbruck.