Current Funded Research Projects
Effectiveness of inclusive language in job advertisements
Do companies actually receive more applications from qualified individuals if they formulate their advertisements more inclusively? As part of a large-scale field experiment with a recruitment agency, improved versions of advertisements are published with the help of JADE, and the effectiveness of inclusive language on application pools is analyzed based on the response.
Financed by: Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich
Contact: Julia Brandl, Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart
JADE 2.0 Equal opportunities for job seekers with migration biographies
Decoders for job advertisements raise awareness of formulations that reduce equal opportunities in the labor market. The project further develops the German-language Job Ad DEcoder JADE by integrating the dimensions "migration biography" and "legally relevant discrimination" and by making best practices of other users visible.
Financed by: Digitalisierungsfonds der Arbeiterkammer Wien
Contact: Julia Brandl, Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart
New pathways for upskilling temporary workers
The commitment of local stakeholders from human resource management (HRM), works councils, and training institutions is important in order to breathe new life into existing labour market support instruments. Using the example of upskilling temporary workers, this project aims to develop new approaches for how responsibility among local stakeholders may be shared in the future and how cooperation can be organised effectively.
Contact: Julia Brandl, Laverne Chore