Jasper Moernaut
Associate Professor
Personal info and publications
phone: +43 512 507-54372
fax: +43 512 507-54399
Diethard Sanders
Associate Professor
Personal info and publications
phone: +43 512 507-54206
fax: +43 512 507-54399

Arne Ramisch
Senior Scientist
Personal info and publications
phone: +43 512 507-54331

Hannah Braun
Lab technician
phone: +43 512 507-54223
fax: +43 512 507-54399
Charlotte Pizer
Subduction Zone Paleoseismology (FWF-QuakeCycle Japan).
phone: +43 512 507 54202

Katleen Wils
Lacustrine Paleoseismology (FWF-QuakeSceneChile).
phone: +43 512 507 54269
PhD Students & Scientific Assistants

Valentina Moreno Allende
Supervisor: Jasper Moernaut
Co-Supervisor: Arne Ramisch
Linking sedimentary evidence of earthquake shaking and marine inundations in lakes on Chiloé Island (South-Central Chile) (FWF project QuakeScene Chile)
Mishelle Muthre
Supervisor: Michael Strasser
Co-Supervisor: tbd
Oceanic Trench Sedimentology & Subduction Zone Paleoseismology (FWF - QuakeCycle Japan)

Markus Niederstätter
Scientific Assistent
FWF-Project QuakeScene Chile – Evaluating megathrust earthquake scenarios in South Central Chile using new strategies in lacustrine paleoseismology

Marcel-Luciano Ortler
Supervisor: Michael Strasser
Co-Supervisors: Jasper Moernaut, Tobias Hell
Causes and consequences of extreme geological perturbation events in the upper Traun catchment area (Salzkammergut) (ÖAW Project S4LIDE – Hallstatt and TWF Project4D-Event Stratigraphy Lake Hallstatt ) (ÖAW-DOC-Fellowship)
phone: +43 512 507-54395
fax: +43 512 507-54399
Laura Schley
Supervisor: Arne Ramisch
co-Supervisor: Michael Strasser
Affiliated and visiting Early Career Researcher & PhD Students

Gerald Degenhart
Supervisor: Michael Strasser
Co-Supervisors: Peter Tropper (Institut für Mineralogie)
X-ray Computed Tomography in Earth Science

Dominik Jaeger
Supervisor: Roland Stalder (Inst. of Petrography and Mineralogy)
Co-Supervisor: Michael Strasser
Quartz as a monitor for sedimentary processes (FWF-project P-33038: Quartz-Monitor)
Master Students
Judith Barth
Supervisor: Michael Strasser, Clemens Geitner (Institut für Geographie), Martin Rutzinger (Institut für Geographie)
Untersuchung der Morphodynamik im Krummgampental mittels hochauflösender multi-temporaler Fernerkundungsdaten.
Limnogeology and Paleoseismology in Slovenian Lakes
Limno(hydro)geologische Untersuchungen im Hintersteinersee
in Zusammenarbeit mit Martin Schletter (TIWAG)
Reconstructing the Holocene debris flow activity at Achensee based on semi-automated classification of lake cores
Julia Rechenmacher
Supervisors: Jasper Moernaut, Erwin Heine (BOKU)
Limnogeology of Lake Altausee (Salzkammergut, Austria)
Within Altauseer See 3D Project by Walter Munk Foundation of the Oceans (WMFO), California, USA through cooperation with University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU) Vienna, Austria (2020-2022)
Former Group Members
Former Staff

a.O. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Karl Krainer
Personal info and publications

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Rainer Brandner post docs
Dr. Pauline Cornard
Deepwater sediment gravity flow processes (FWF Lise Meitner - Flow-Dynamic-Fan Project) moved to MARUM, University of Bremen, as post doc

Dr. Walter Menapace
Gulf of Cadiz paleoseismology (FWF Lise Meitner), moved to Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, as MSCA Postdoc (H2020)

Dr. Yin Lu
Lacustrine Paleoseismology (FWF-DeadSeaQuakeRe-Project), moved to Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Dr. Jyh-Jaan 'Steven' Huang
Postdoc 2017-2020 on the Austrian Core Facility. Now Assistant Professor at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University.

Dr. Arata Kioka
Postdoc 2016-2019 on the FWF Project EAGER-Japan, moved to Kyushu University, Japan, as Assistant Professor
Former PhD students

Dr. Christoph Daxer
Defended his dissertation on September 30th 2024:
Thesis Title: Lacustrine paleoseismology in Carinthia, Austria
Moved to Land Vorarlberg, Abteilung Umwelt- und Klimaschutz

Dr. Ariana Molenaar
defende her dissertation on June 26th 2024
Thesis Title: Natural Seismographs: A Stratigraphic Study on the Effects of Earthquakes on Subaqueous Surface Sediments
Moved to ILF consulting engineers in Rum, Austria

Dr. Andrea Franco
Defende his PhD thesis in 2022 at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Innsbruck
A multidisciplinary approach for landslide-generated impulse wave assessment in natural mountain basins from a cascade analysis perspective(supervised by Bernhard Gems (Wasserbau)

Dr. Patrick Oswald
Finished PhD on 21.01.2022
Studying the sediment archive of Tyrolian lakes to reconstruct and quantify the regions' paleoseismological history (Interreg Project Armonia, ÖAW Project S4LIDE-Austria and TWF Projects Tyrol on Shaky Slopes and GEO-STATE-Tyrol). Moved to Geo.zt - beratende geologen

Dr. Maddalena Sammartini
Finished PhD on 22.11.2021
Studying submarine landslides and their impact on European continental margins (in collaboration with EuropeanEuropean Training Network SLATE ). Moved to new position as Geophysicist at RINA (Milano office)

Dr. Tobias Schwestermann
PhD student 2016-2020 on the FWF Project EAGER-Japan, moved to BTG Büro für Technische Geologie in Sargans, Switzerland