Pocecco Elena
Name: Dr. Elena Pocecco
Email: Elena.Pocecco@uibk.ac.at
Phone number: +43 512 507 45864
Office location: HG-106
Tutorial hours: by arrangement
Address: Fürstenweg 185, 6020, Innsbruck
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3730-1961
Research area: Epidemiology of alpine sports
- University degree in Sport Science at the Faculty of Sports Science of the University of Bologna, Italy
- PhD in Sport Science at the Department of Sports Science of the University of Innsbruck, Austria
- State-certified judo-coach; swimming instructor (2nd level), lifeguard; basic-instructor for fitness / wellness as well as for running / walking / Nordic walking
Actual academic position
Senior scientist
My research focuses mainly on epidemiology / injury prevention in alpine and combat sports. Specifically, I am interested in determining how often injuries occur in different sports and which factors could have an influence on these events. Further research would focus attention on understanding the supposed injury mechanisms involved in order to introduce preventive measures, that would be evaluated. The final aim of my research is to make sport safer.
On the other hand, I am also fascinated by other fields of sports science and sports medicine, such as training science, applied sports physiology incl. high altitude physiology, and, last but not least, understanding how prevention of violence could be achieved through participants’ attendance of courses in the field of self-defence and self-assertion.
University lectures for under- and post-graduate students at the Department of Sport Science of the University of Innsbruck
Ongoing teaching:
- Lecture / exercise Fachdidaktik: Erlebnis - Abenteuer (Teaching methodology: experience - adventure)
- Course Selbstverteidigung (Self-defence)
- Course Bewegungsspiele (Movement games)
- Study orientation lecture Einführung in die Sportwissenschaft (Introduction to sport science)
- Introductory seminar Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Introduction to scientificresearch)
- Course Judo
Past teaching:
- Tutorial to the lecture Anthropologische Grundlagen des Sports (Anthropological foundations of sport)
- Seminar Problemanalyse und Forschung in der Trainingswissenschaft (Analysis of problems and research in the field of training science)
- Lecture / exercise Angewandte Leistungsphysiologie (Applied performance physiology)
Lectures at the Department Junge Uni (Young University, i.e., university department for the promotion of science among children and juveniles) of the University of Innsbruck
Ongoing teaching:
- Webinar Gewaltprävention (Prevention of violence)
- Several courses on physical activity games: Bewegungsspiele; Abenteuerspiele; Spiel, Sport, Spaß (Movement games; Adventure games; Games, sport and fun)
- Course Selbstverteidigung und Selbstbehauptung (Self-defence and self-assertion)
- Course Judo
Lectures at the Department Personal Development of the University of Innsbruck
Occasional teaching:
- Course Selbstverteidigung und Selbstbehauptung (Self-defence and self-assertion)
Pocecco’s publication list on FLD; PubMed; ResearchGate; Scholar; Scopus, Web of Science.
Highlighted publications
Pocecco E, Wafa H, Burtscher J, Paal P, Plattner P, Posch M, Ruedl G (2022) Mortality in recreational mountain-biking in the Austrian Alps: a retrospective study over 16 years. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(19):11965. doi:10.3390/ijerph191911965
Schwendinger F, Pocecco E (2020) Counteracting physical inactivity during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence-based recommendations for home-based exercise. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(11):3909. doi:10.3390/ijerph17113909
Faulhaber M, Ruedl G, Schneider F, Walter D, Sterr R, Schobersberger W, Schwendinger F, Pocecco E (2020) Characteristics of victims of fall-related accidents during mountain hiking. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(3):E1115. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17031115
Ruedl G, Schnitzer M, Kirschner W, Spiegel R, Platzgummer H, Kopp M, Burtscher M, Pocecco E (2016) Sports injuries and illnesses during the 2015 Winter European Youth Olympic Festival. Br J Sports Med 50(10):631-636. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095665
Pocecco E, Ruedl G, Stankovic N, Sterkowicz S, Del Vecchio F, Gutiérrez-Garcia C, Rousseau R, Wolf M, Kopp M, Miarka B, Menz V, Krüsmann P, Calmet M, Malliaropoulos N, Burtscher M (2013) Injuries in judo: a systematic literature review including suggestions for prevention. Br J Sports Med 47(18):1139-1143. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2013-092886
Pocecco E, Burtscher M (2013) Sex-differences in response to arm and leg ergometry in juvenile judo athletes. Arch Budo 9(3):181-187. ISSN:1643-8698
Ruedl G, Schobersberger W, Pocecco E, Blank C, Engebretsen L, Soligard T, Steffen K, Kopp M, Burtscher M. (2012) Sport injuries and illnesses during the first Winter Youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria. Br J Sports Med 46(15):1030-1037. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2012-091534
Pocecco E, Gatterer H, Ruedl G, Burtscher M (2012) Specific exercise testing in judo athletes. Arch Budo 8(3):133-139.
Pocecco E, Faulhaber M, Franchini E, Burtscher M (2012) Aerobic power in child, cadet and senior judo athletes. Biol Sport 29(3):217-222. doi:10.5604/20831862.1003446
Ruedl G, Pocecco E, Sommersacher R, Gatterer H, Kopp M, Nachbauer W, Burtscher M (2010) Factors associated with self-reported risk-taking behaviour on ski slopes. Br J Sports Med 44(3):204-206. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.066779