Katja Astner
"State Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmament"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Nuclear Non-proliferation and disarmament, international security and the nexus of states and humanitarian advocacy efforts

Hana Dogovic
"Substantive parliamentary representation of small minorities in consociational systems"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Political representation; Substantive representation; Power-sharing systems; Political rights of minorities

Niloofar Golobostanfard
"Transnationalism and changing identity and heritage through migration and how it affects bilingualism"
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Migration, cultural transformations, diaspora, multilingualism, tangible and intangible heritage discourse, heritage reputation, identity reconstruction, sense of belonging, transnationalism

Gregor Handrich, MA
"Die Dritte Welle der Autokratisierung: Strategien des „executive aggrandizement“ im Vergleich"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Comparative Politics, with a focus on political strategy, autocratization and political leadership

Anna Katharina Höfler
"Great Power Responsibility in World Politics: A Recognition-Game Perspective"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: International Relations

Stefanie Kirchweger
"International Intelligence Cooperation and Foreign Policy"
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Intelligence Studies, International Intelligence Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis

Manuel Mayrl
"Press-Politics Relations in Austria"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Political Communication, Journalism, Media Effects, Quantitative Text Analysis
Manuel Mayrl (0000-0002-0257-2729) (orcid.org)

Camila Montero Trujillo
"Intra-party Democracy and Women’s Representation: A Comparative Analysis of Levels of Inclusion of Member Participation and their Impact on Women’s Representation in Advanced Democracies"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: political parties, women's representation, intra-party democracy

Andreas Pehr
"Benchmarking Federalism"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Comparative Federalism

Susanne Reitmair-Juarez
"What’s (in their) news? Comparing Adolescents’ News Consumption with Traditional News Media Coverage"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Citizenship Education, Political Communication, Youth’ Participation

Christian Schwaderer
"Communicating through a pandemic: A comparative study on state crisis communication and public perception during the Covid-19 pandemic"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Political Communication, Crisis Communication, Crisis Management, Quantitative Text Analysis

Oleksandra Terentyeva
"Politics of Memory as a Practice of Decolonization "
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Politics of memory, decolonization, postcoloniality, Ukraine, Eastern Europe

Philipp Umek
"Local elections and voting in Austria"
(Preliminary Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Election Studies

Maren Vieluf
"Norm Robustness Put to a Test: The Case of Nuclear Prohibition Norms"
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Nuclear Disarmament, Arms Control, and Nonproliferation; Nuclear Testing; Norms

Ana Fernandes - ALUMNI 2023
“Territorial dynamics under democratic breakdown - A Comparative Study of Latin American Cases”
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Federalism and democracy, Latin America, Comparative Politics

Trix van Mierlo - ALUMNI 2022
"Does the Barking Dog Bite? Civil Society Efforts to Subnational Authoritarian Enclave Democratization"
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Social movements, subnational authoritarianism, subnational democratization
Julia Fischer - ALUMNI 2022
"The political presence of patients : analyzing representative claims"
(Title of Thesis)
Research Interests: Health politics and policy making, Representative claims theory, Interpretive research methods