News & Events

Upcoming Seminar This Winter Semester

We're excited to announce the next seminar of the Doctoral College happening this winter semester!

Open Enrollment: No prior registration for the Doctoral College is required. This course is open to all interested PhD students and can be booked through our system. The seminar is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule with block lectures, ensuring that your work does not suffer and integrates optimally into your full calendar.

Duration and Objective: The seminar consists of 1 seminar day in Innsbruck and an excursion (22.11. - 23.11.2024), to Kallreid. Its objective is to foster shared conceptual knowledge and a transdisciplinary understanding, drawing upon key literature in the field.

Key Features

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: This course integrates a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to learning about net-zero systems. It spans multiple sectors, including energy, industrial, land use, and urban systems. This broad perspective ensures that participants not only learn about the theoretical underpinnings of transitioning to a net-zero economy but also understand the practical implications and challenges across different sectors.
  • Practical Experience and Fieldwork: A significant feature of the course is its emphasis on practical experience. Through a two-day offsite research event, students have the opportunity to engage directly with real-world applications of their studies. This hands-on approach allows them to develop and refine their research projects, directly linking theory with practical implementation, which is critical for their future careers in academia or industry.
  • Focused Learning Outcomes: The course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the necessary changes required for a net-zero transition. It equips them with the skills to analyze complex sustainability problems and to develop innovative research projects. These projects are intended to be directly integrated into their academic research and dissertations, providing a clear pathway from education to professional contribution.

Applied Course: “SE Net-zero Systems in Practice”

The course "SE Net-zero Systems in Practice" is an in-depth exploration of the transition to a net-zero economy, designed for participants to gain comprehensive knowledge across various sectors such as energy, industry, land use, and urban systems. Through thematic blocks that merge theoretical insights with practical experiences, students engage with current technologies and governance policies critical for sustainable development. The course highlights the importance of integrating academic theory with field experience, facilitating the development of innovative research projects during a two-day offsite event. These projects are aimed at addressing real-world challenges and are directly applicable to the students’ doctoral theses, making this course essential for those looking to contribute significantly to environmental sustainability and policy.

Join us for these enriching academic experiences designed to expand your knowledge and research capabilities. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this vibrant academic community!

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