Franz Jenewein

Managing Director, MA Program

Tiroler Bildungsinstitut Grillhof

Phone: +43 512 38380


Franz Jenewein is Director of the Tyrolean Education Institute Grillhof and Managing Director of the MA Program in Peace Studies.

After his studies in Poltiical Science and History at the University of Innsburck, he has worked as a pedagogical fellow at the Tiroler Volksbildungswerk, and later became a member of the Tiroler Förderstelle für Erwachsenenbildung. Since 1998 he has been Head of the Tyrolean Education Institute. He has obtained additional education in the fields of adult education, education management and quality management. He is a member of several education networks, including the Austiran Fedearl Ministry of Education, the Verein Erwachenenbildung Tiro and theTyrolean Educatoin Forum.

He is Co-Editor of several academic publications and publisher of mail, the Magazine of the Tyrolean Education Institute.

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