Innsbruck Doctoral College Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling (DK CIM)
In 2010 the Innsbruck Doctoral College Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling (DK CIM) was initiated at the University of Innsbruck within the framework of the Research Area Scientific Computing. We provide substantiated research-guided and well-structured training for excellent Ph.D. students in the interdisciplinary field of computational modelling utilizing high performance computing, within the fields of atmospheric science, chemistry, computer science, material science, engineering science, mathematics and physics.
At the University of Innsbruck scientific computing is one of six research areas, which are approved by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) after thorough evaluation of the research accomplishments in the respective field. Aims of the Research Area Scientific Computing are to use inherent synergies between various research areas and different fields by cooperating withing the university, as well as between different universities and other institutions in Austria and all over the world. Thus fruitful interdisciplinary research ist fostered by exchanging knowledge and information, by sharing ressources, by coordinating funding for keeping and developing the necessary infrastructure, as well as by enhancing science oriented teaching.
DK CIM is closely linked with the international interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral programme DOCC ("Dynamics of Complex Continua")at the University of Innsbruck, so that PhD students will profit from close interactions with other international PhD fellows in the fields of scientific computing.
News and Events
1-day retreat in Innsbruck, winter term 2023/2024
Friday, 02.02.2024, please register for the course via LFU
4th DK CIM summer school 2024
18.-20.9.2024 - 16.-18.9: workshop for students only, program in progress!
3rd DK CIM/DP DOCC summer/spring school 2022
22.-26.5.2023, UZ Obergurgl - thank you all for your contributions!
2nd DK CIM/DP DOCC summer school 2022
17.-21.07, 2022, UZ Obergurgl - thank you all for your contributions!
1st DK CIM/DP DOCC summer school 2021
26.07.-30.07.2021, UZE Obergurgl - thank you all for your contributions :)

2020: Brigitta Goger won the Thesis Award in 2020: "Evaluation of a High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Model in Complex Terrain", Supervisors: Mathias Rotach and Alexander Gohm, ACINN, University of Innsbruck; Oliver Fuhrer, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich

Matthias Rauter and Daniel Winkler won the first prize for their work on "Predicting Natural Hazards with Neuronal Networks". The results were achieved in the context of the DK CIM research cluster Deep Learning under the supervision of Prof. Haltmeier and Prof. Harders. → Abstract

Daniel Winkler won this prize for his excellent work "gpuSPHASE - A shared memory caching implementation for 2D SPH using CUDA" in "Computer Physics Communications"

Daniel Winkler won this prize for the best urban drainage paper by a young author on "Virtual reality in urban water management: Communicating urban flooding with particle based CFD simulations".

Lukas Moschen was awarded this prize for his paper "Vertical acceleration demands on column lines of steel moment-resisting frames", which was published in the renowned journal "Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics".
Participating Institutions
Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
Department of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Department of Infrastructure Engineering