Atmospheric processes specific to mountainous regions heavily affect the exchange of momentum, heat and mass between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere.
TEAMx (Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains – programme and experiment) is an international research programme that aims at improving our understanding of these processes. Long-term objectives of TEAMx are optimizing numerical models and observational systems for application over mountainous terrain, improving weather forecasts and climate change scenarios over mountains, and characterizing more accurately the global cycles of water, energy and trace gases. The Programme Coordination Office of TEAMx has been established at ACINN in August 2018, and is funded by a joint investment (TEAMx-Seed) of the participating institutions.
Further details are available at

Project Leader:
Mathias ROTACH
Manuela LEHNER
Helen Claire PLANKL (former WARD)
External Members:
- Marco Arpagaus, MeteoSwiss
- Joan Cuxart, University of the Balearic Islands
- Stephan De Wekker, University of Virginia
- Vanda Grubišić, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Norbert Kalthoff, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Daniel Kirshbaum, McGill University
- Stephen Mobbs, National Center for Atmospheric Science
- Alexandre Paci, Meteo France
- Elisa Palazzi, National Research Council of Italy
- Dino Zardi, University of Trento
Funding Agencies:
- C2SM, Center for Climate Systems Modeling
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Meteo France
- MeteoSwiss
- National Center for Atmospheric Science
- University of Innsbruck
- University of Trento
Project Duration:
01/08/2018 to 28/02/2023