Investigating spatial inhomogenity of surface layer turbulence in complex terrain (INHOM-TCT)

In the present project we will use use the long-term data set from the i-Box for essentially two tasks:
- to characterize SL turbulence (surface fluxes, integral statistics) and their relative importance at various characteristic sites (‘valley floor’, ‘slope’, ‘mountain top’) in an area of highly complex topography
- to explore the degree of applicability of MOST and, if necessary, potential pathways of its extension in complex terrain.
To successfully perform these tasks the post-processing of turbulence data must first be adapted to the conditions of complex terrain.
As a synthesizing view, finally, the findings of the two main tasks will be used in analyzing the spectral characteristics of SL turbulence in complex terrain.
Project Leader:
Mathias ROTACH
Sfyri Eleni
Stiperski Ivana
Funding Agencies:
Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P26290-N26
Project Duration:
23/10/2013 to 23/10/2016