Oskar Rennstam Rubbmark

University of Innsbruck
Department of Zoology

Research Group: Applied Animal Ecology

Main areas of research

  • Molecular Trophic cology
  • Applied and Theoretical Food Web Ecology
  • Ecosystem Functioning, Entomology and Agroecology
  • Bioinformatics and Data Analyses


Scientific contributions

  1. Rennstam Rubbmark O., Sint D., Horngacher N. & Traugott M. (2018): A broadly-applicable COI primer pair and an efficient single tube amplicon library preparation protocol for metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 12335-12350.
  2. Ye Z., Vollhardt I.M.G, Parth N., Rubbmark O. & Traugott M. (2018): Facultative bacterial endosymbionts shape parasitoid food webs in natural host populations: a correlative analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87, 1440–1451.
  3. Kamenova S., Mayer R., Rubbmark O., Coissac E., Plantegenest M. & Traugott M. (2018): Comparing three types of dietary samples for prey DNA decay in an insect generalist predator. Molecular Ecology Resources , 18, 966-973.
  4. Staudacher K., Rennstam Rubbmark O., Birkhofer K., Malsher G., Sint D., Jonsson M. & Traugott M. (2018): Habitat heterogeneity induces rapid changes in the feeding behaviour of generalist arthropod predators. Functional Ecology 32, 809–819.
  5. Rennstam Rubbmark, O., Sint, D., Cupic, S., & Traugott, M. (2018). When to use NGS or diagnostic PCR in diet analyses. Molecular ecology resources, 19, 388-399.
  6. Vollhardt, I. M., Ye, Z., Parth, N., Rubbmark, O., Fründ, J., & Traugott, M. (2019). Influence of plant fertilisation on cereal aphid-primary parasitoid-secondary parasitoid networks in simple and complex landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 281, 47-55.



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