Rodrigues Patrick


Name: Dr Patrick Rodrigues (Postdoc)


Phone number: (will be added soon)

Office location: FH-201

Tutorial hours: by arrangement

Address: Fürstenweg 176, 6020 Innsbruck, Department of Physiology (MUI) and Department of Sport Science (UIBK)


Research area: Sports medicine, Motor neurophysiology

Patrick Rodrigues, born in Brazil, completed a double degree in Physical Education and Exercise Science (2007) and a specialization degree in Exercise Physiology (2009) at Uniguaçu University (Brazil). In 2012, he completed a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology at the Federal University of Parana (Brazil) and in 2021 completed his PhD in Exercise Science at Queensland University of Technology (Australia). Currently, Patrick has a Postdoc position at the Medical University of Innsbruck and works in the Sports Medicine Lab at the University of Innsbruck led by Univ.-Prof. Anne Hecksteden.

  • The effect of passive heating interventions (e.g., hot bath or sauna) on health and rehabilitation outcomes.
  • Neuromuscular functions.
  • Injury prevention and recovery management

(will be added soon)

1.            Rodrigues, P., Trajano, G. S., Wharton, L., Orssatto, L., Minett, G. M. (2023). Hot-water immersion at 42 ºC improves muscle contractile function and reduces motor unit discharge rate. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

2.            Orssatto, L. B. R., Rodrigues, P., Phillips, K. M., Blazevich, A. J., Borg, D. N., Souza, T. R., Sakugawa, R. L., Shield, A. J., Trajano, G. S. (2023). Intrisic motor neurone excitability is increased after resistance training in older adults. Journal of Neurophysiology.

3.            Rodrigues, P., Trajano, G. S., Stewart, I., Minett, G. M. (2022). Potential role of passively increased muscle temperature on contractile function. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 1-10.

4.            Rodrigues, P., Trajano, G. S., Wharton, L., Orssatto, L., Minett, G. M. (2021). An acute increase in muscle temperature by hot-water immersion enhances rapid force production and neuromuscular function in healthy adults. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

5.            Silva, J. K. F., Sotomaior, B. B., Carneiro, C. F., Rodrigues, P., Wharton, L., Osiecki, R. (2021). Anaerobic threshold (Dmax method) prediction by the rate of perceived exertion in young competitive male swimmers. Perceptual and Motor Skills.

6.            Rodrigues, P., Trajano, G. S., Wharton, L., Minett, G. M. (2020). Muscle temperature and thermoregulatory responses to 42 °C hot-water immersion in healthy males and females. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 1-14.

7.            Rodrigues, P., Trajano, G. S., Wharton, L., Minett, G. M. (2020). Effects of passive heating on muscle hypertrophy and neuromuscular function: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Thermal Biology. 102684.

8.            Rodrigues, P., Gabellone Hernandez, S., de Macedo Salgueirosa, F., Oliveira, E., Whaton, L. & Osiecki, R. (2020). Acute effect of three different warm-up protocols on maximal isokinetic strength in young men. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Desporte, 13(1): 5-9. DOI:10.33155/j.ramd.2018.02.007

9.            Rodrigues, P., Correia, M. A., Whaton, L. (2019). Effect of menstrual cycle on muscle strength. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 22(5), 89-97.

10.          Pianezzer, L., Rodrigues, P. (2019). Comparison of morphological and cardiovascular indices among strength training, aerobic training and competitive training. RBPFEX-Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício, 13(86), 995-1003. (paper in Portuguese)

11.          Oliveira, E. C., Rodrigues, P., Salgueirosa, F. M., Seniski, G. G., Wharton, L., & Osiecki, R. (2018). Effect of ACTN3 R577X genotypes on muscle strength and power in Brazilian mixed martial arts athletes. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 21(2), 202-213.

12.          Rodrigues, P., de Macedo Salgueirosa, F. (2018). Effect of an active static stretching session on maximal handgrip muscular strength production. Educacao Fisica em Revista, 12(1): 1-6.

13.          Rodrigues, P., Wassmansdorf, R., Gabellone Hernandez, S., de Macedo Salgueirosa, F., Bonfim Gomes, E., Oliveira, E., Whaton, L. & Osiecki, R. (2017). Time-course of neuromuscular parameters, muscle soreness and sympatho-vagal balance following a 130-km cycling race. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, (1). DOI:10.5628/RPCD.17.01.13

14.          de Macedo Salgueirosa, F., Rodrigues, P., Seniski, G. G., Wharton, L., & Osiecki, R. (2017). ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D Genotype Frequencies of Professional Soccer Players in Brazil. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 20(6), 129-139.

15.          Rodrigues, P., Hernandez, S. G., de Macedo Salgueirosa, F., Novack, L. F., Wassmansdorf, R., Wharton, L., & Osiecki, R. (2017). The influence of two static stretching protocols with different intensities on concentric knee extension strength. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 25(1), 41-46.DOI:10.3233/IES-160643

16.          Rodrigues, P., Wassmansdorf, R., Salgueirosa, F. M., Hernandez, S. G., Nascimento, V. B., Daros, L. B., Wharton, L., & Osiecki, R. (2016). Time-course of changes in indirect markers of muscle damage responses following a 130-km cycling race. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano, 18(3), 322-331. DOI:10.5007/1980-0037.2016v18n3p322

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