Advisory Services

Stu­dent Advi­sory Ser­vice

All questions about studying at the University of Innsbruck


Help in finding the right study programme

Online ses­si­ons

In the various online sessions, the diverse range of studies offered by the University of Innsbruck is presented in an entertaining way

Admis­sion Depart­ment

Admission to studies


Counselling and guidance for young people who want to be the first in the family to study

Psy­cho­log­i­cal stu­dent coun­selling

Psychological counselling and support for students and prospective students

Schol­ar­ship office

Applications for study grants, self-supporting scholarships, etc.


Service point for all examination matters

Dis­abil­ity Offi­cer of the Univer­sity of Inns­bruck

Studying with disabilities, impairments, mental and / or chronic illnesses

Fam­ily ser­vice

Studying with child(ren), care responsibilities for relatives

Con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion

University continuing education programmes and university courses

ÖH Uni Inns­bruck

Tutorials, housing and job exchange, counselling services for students

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