Alpine Tree-Ring Group

Head: Dr. Kurt Nicolussi, ao.Univ.Prof.


The Alpine Tree-Ring Group utilizes woods from Alpine regions for dendrochronological studies in different research fields. Special emphasis is given on the analysis and reconstruction of the environmental and climatic evolution of high-mountain regions of the Alps during the Holocene. Analyses are also carried out in the fields of archaeology and building history mainly in joint research projects.

Specific research themes

  • Holocene glacier variability in the Alps
  • Megafossils-based analysis of Holocene Alpine tree-line dynamics
  • Dendroclimatic analyses and reconstructions
  • Tree-ring analyses in the fields of archaeology and building history in the Eastern Alps
  • Establishment of multi-centennial to multi-millennial tree-ring chronologies for the Alpine region (Eastern Alpine Conifer Chronology: continuously over the last ca. 10,000 years, back to 8072 BC)




Entries in the Research Documentation Database of the University of Innsbruck (FLD) & Downloads


Video Tree-rings: A look into the past

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