University Continuing Education Programme
German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language Basic Programme
In this continuing education programme students acquire scientifically-based knowledge, skills, methods and theories for their future professions. Graduates are able to teach based on the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR) and on the principles of active learning, to promote life-long language learning, intercultural language and culture transfer and to put the main focus on the learners.This continuing education programme takes three semesters and qualifies for the advanced continuing education Master Programme “German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language”.
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Academic Expert for German as a Foreign/Second Language
3 semesters/60 ECTS-Credits
Study Code
UC 992 815
WS 2025/26 (planned)
The right programme for me?

Qualification profile
Graduates gain professional and social competences in the areas of:
- Methodology and didactics of foreign and second language teaching
- Language acquisition
- German linguistics
- Psychology of learning
- Foreignness and migration
- Literary didactics
- Interculturality
- Presentation and moderation techniques

Target group
(Future) teachers of German as a Foreign and Second Language.

- graduates of a philological university study programme
- graduates of a Bachelor’s teacher training programme in the subject of German or another living language
- applicants, who are qualified for entering a university and who have proof of at least five years of experience in teaching German as a Foreign Language and/or German as a Second Language amounting to a total of at least 450 hours.
Participation in the university continuing education courses requires the admission as a non-degree student

Samrawit Araya
Division for continuing education
Karl-Schönherr-Straße 3
6020 Innsbruck
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Dannerer
Department of German Studies
Dr. Ulrike Aenne Charlotte Arras
Tobias Sebastian Bertel, M.A.
Mag. Brigitte Fuchs
Mag. Julia Königs, BEd
Mag. Mag. Dr. Johann Georg Lughofer
Mag. Jens Nicklas, MA
Mag. Anna Passler
Dott.ssa mag. Kerstin Pramstaller. LLM
Mag. Dr. Gabriele Emma Ribis, BEd
Mag. Paul Rusch
Dr. Annegret Schmidjell
Dr. habil. Cordula Schwarze
Mag. Mag. Verena Sperk
Mag. Dr. Margareta Anna Strasser
Dr. Nadja Thoma
Mag. Denis Weger, MA
Dates for Winter semester 2024/25
LV 966011 Sociocultural Learning
Dates / Rooms
LV 966012 German as a Second Language: Language and Migration Dates / Rooms
LV 966016 Multilingualism and Linguistic Reflexion
Dates / Rooms
LV 966014 Alphabetisation
Dates / Rooms
LV 966017 Productive Skills
Dates / Rooms
LV 966019 Phonetics in German as a Foreign/Second Language
Dates / Rooms
Dates for Summer semester 2024
LV 966007 Grammar / German as a Foreign Language
Dates / Rooms
LV 966008 Rezeptive Skills Training
Dates / Rooms
LV 966009 Intercultural Communication
Dates / Rooms
LV 966010 Literature in GFL-Teaching
Dates / Rooms
LV 966011 Class Observation - Factors of Language Courses
Dates / Rooms
LV 966013 German as a Foreign/Second Language: Testing and Evaluating
Dates / Rooms
LV 966018 Lesson Planing and Microteaching
Dates / Rooms
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck
Admission Requirements
Persons meeting the following prerequisites can be admitted to the programme:
- graduates of a philological university study programme home or abroad,
- graduates of a Bachelor’s teacher training programme in the subject of German or another living language at a teacher training college, teacher training academy or university home or abroad,
- students, who have passed at least the first diploma exam of a philological study programme home or abroad and can proof having successfully passed courses corresponding to at least 60 ECTS-Credits in the fields of linguistics and/or foreign language didactics and other subject-specific courses of the second part of the studies corresponding to at least 60 ECTS-Credits,
- applicants, who are qualified for entering a university and who have proof of at least five years of experience in teaching German as a Foreign Language and/or German as a Second Language amounting to a total of at least 450 hours (corresponding to 600 teaching units of 45 minutes each or 540 units of 50 minutes each).
- In justified cases, people can be admitted who have the required skills due to their professional work, experience and achievements. This is particularly the case for people who can demonstrate at least ten years of relevant professional experience, also including managerial work.
Generally all applicants must have basic knowledge in the fields of the German linguistics and modern German literature.
Persons, the mother tongue of whom is not German, must proof knowledge of the German language. This proof can be: completion of a study programme in German Philology at an approved post-secondary educational institution, completion of a philological study programme at an approved post-secondary educational institution of the German-speaking area,a school leaving certificate from a school with German as language of tuition, internationally approved certificates of at least C1-level of the Common European Reference Frame (CERF).
- Methodic-Didactic Fundamentals
- Compulsory Module: Linguistic Fundamentals
- Methodic-Didactic Skills I
- Cultural Skills
- German as a Second Language and Multilingualism
- Methodic-Didactic Skills II
Final Thesis
- Each participant of the continuing education programme must hand in a written paper amounting to 7.5 ECTS-Credits.
- The final thesis must be written on a theme covered in modules 1 – 6 and is supervised and evaluated by the lecturer of the respective course.
- Participants are entitled to suggest a supervisor from the available course lecturers to the course director in writing. The course director confirms the suggestion within a month of the receipt of the announcement if the suggested course lecturer can take on the supervision.
Registration is currently possible.
General Information for the Registration for Continuing Education Programmes
Participation in the university continuing education courses requires the admission as a non-degree student.