Research groups
Following an overview of the different research groups at our institute.
Bio and Nano Physics
The Bio and Nano Physics Group led by Thomas Franosch addresses a broad range of fundamental questions in biological and nano physics using a combination of theoretical and computational tools.
Our research encompasses complex transport phenomena in crowded environments, the non-equilibrium physics of self-propelled particles, the glass transition of strongly confined liquids, thermophoresis of colloidal particles, and the elastic and dynamic properties of polymers.
For more information please visit:
Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch
Tel. +43 512 507 52267
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
Tel. +43 512 507 52208
Quantum Information
In the area of quantum information, there are three research groups at our institute concentrating on different questions and priorities:
Quantum Information and Computation
The research group of Hans J. Briegel investigates models for quantum information processing and fundamental aspects of quantum information theory.
One focus of our research is the theory of measurement-based quantum computation, which has resulted in a new and more thorough understanding of many-body entanglement as resource, and applications in quantum communication, quantum error correction, and quantum algorithms.
In addition, we work on quantum phenomena in bio-molecular systems, relativistic systems, and study the role of quantum mechanics for autonomous and learning systems. Some of the work is interdisciplinary and addresses questions in the fields of artificial intelligence and the philosophy of action.
Fore more information please visit:

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans J. Briegel
Tel. +43 512 507 52202
Administrative Assistant
Jade Meysami-Hörtnagl
Tel. +43 512 507 52207
Quantum communication and quantum networks
The research group of Wolfgang Dür focuses on quantum communication and quantum networks, and their applications.
On the one hand, we are developing new protocols for the generation, distribution and detection of multipartite entangled states, taking noise, decoherence and imperfections into account. On the other hand, we deal with the design of quantum networks at different levels, with a particular focus on entanglement-based networks. Entangled resource states are created in the network before communication requests, and can then be used flexibly to fulfill different communication tasks without delay.
As one application, we investigate quantum sensor networks that allow one to determine spatially and temporally correlated quantities such as magnetic or gravitational fields with improved accuracy. Furthermore, we are interested in quantum computation and quantum simulation, as well as in fundamental questions regarding macroscopicity and entanglement theory.
We are also concerned with teacher education, and concepts to teach quantum physics in high school (available in German): AG Lehramtsstudium
More information about the research group Quantum Communication and Quantum Networks

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Dür
Tel. +43 512 507 52214
Administrative Assistant
Jade Meysami-Hörtnagl
Tel. +43 512 507 52207
Mathematical Quantum Physics
Gemma De les Coves’ research group works on various topics in theoretical physics, using elements from mathematical physics, quantum science, and theoretical computer science.
In particular, our team investigates fundamental aspects in the description of quantum many-body systems, which uses tools from mathematical physics and quantum information theory. Our team also works at intersection of theoretical physics and theoretical computer science, by investigating universality notions in both areas.
For more information please visit Mathematical Quantum Physics

Head of Research Group
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gemma De les Coves
Tel. +43 512 507 52247
Administrative Assistant
Jade Meysami-Hörtnagl
Tel. +43 512 507 52207
Quantum Optics
In the area of quantum optics, there are four research groups at our institute concentrating on different questions and priorities:
Many-Body Quantum Optics
The research group led by Hannes Pichler is interested in theoretical quantum optics, in the context of quantum many-body physics and quantum information processing science.
We strive to push the frontier of quantum technology by developing novel applications and quantum computing protocols for near-term quantum devices, focussing on quantum optical systems, such as Rydberg atom arrays, waveguide QED setups, and ultracold atoms. To achieve this goal, our research spans a wide spectrum, from microscopic modeling of the physics of specific quantum devices, to understanding their emergent quantum many-body phenomena. It builds on a variety of analytical and numerical techniques from quantum optics, quantum information, and condensed matter theory.
For more information on our group visit Many-Body Quantum Optics.

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Hannes Pichler, MSc PhD
Tel. +43 512 507 52218
Administrative Assistant
Elke Wölflmaier
Tel. +43 512 507 47081
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
The research group of Helmut Ritsch covers the fields of theoretical quantum optics and ultra cold gas physics with strong connections to quantum information theory, foundations of quantum physics and quantum theory of condensed matter systems. We focus on full quantum descriptions of matter and light waves, which are strongly coupled by momentum exchange.
Our aim is an effective theoretical description of real physical systems in a close connection with experiments, where genuine quantum phenomena as quantum phase transitions, entanglement and macroscopic super positions can be studied in a well-controlled and understood environment.
For more information:

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Helmut Ritsch
Tel. +43 512 507 52213
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
Tel. +43 512 507 52208
Quantum Nanophysics, Optics and Information
The research group led by Oriol Romero-Isart studies topics in the fields of theoretical quantum optics and quantum nanophysics in the context of quantum science and technology. One of the main research interests is the observation of quantum phenomena with levitated micrometer-sized particles. Such systems push the boundary of quantum physics into uncharted territory, where the very validity of quantum physics and its interplay with gravity could be put to the test.
Achieving this goal requires a fundamental understanding of the internal physics of levitated nanoparticles as well as their interaction with electromagnetic fields. The group is also interested in nano-optics, including topics such as the tailoring of spatio-temporal features of the electromagnetic field, light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, and out-of-equilibrium quantum electrodynamics. The group proposes cutting-edge experiments and develops the underlying theory while closely collaborating with experimental groups.
For more information visit "Quantum Nanophysics, Optics and Information"

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oriol Romero-Isart
Tel. +43 512 507 4730
Administrative Assistant
Judith Maier
Tel. +43 512 507 52206
Quantum Optimization
The research group of Wolfgang Lechner is dedicated to theoretical quantum physics with the aim to solve computationally challenging problems efficiently in near term quantum devices. The focus is research of coherent adiabatic and non-adiabatic processes, applications in machine learning and optimization problems as well as the investigation of implementations in different next generation qubit platforms.
For more information visit "Quantum Optimization"

Head of Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lechner
Tel. +43 512 507 52232
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
Tel. +43 512 507 52208