Prof. Thomas Franosch's Group

Welcome to the BioNano-Physics Group, led by Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
The group addresses a broad range of fundamental questions in biological and nano physics using a combination of theoretical and computational tools. Our research encompasses complex transport phenomena in crowded environments, the non-equilibrium physics of self-propelled particles, the glass transition of strongly confined liquids, thermophoresis of colloidal particles, and the elastic and dynamic properties of polymers.

Find more information about the research areas: complex transport, self-propelled particles, glass transition, thermophoresis and polymer physics in our group cover.

Find here our groups publications.

Find here our lectures, seminars and supervised theses...
Join us for your Bachelor, Master, or PhD thesis! Topics are available.
Head of the Research Group
Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch
+43 512 507 522 67
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
+43 512 507 522 08
Universität Innsbruck
Institute for Theoretical Physics
ICT building
Technikerstr. 21A
A-6020 Innsbruck