Study & Teaching at the Institute of Ecology

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Study pro­gramme

Our teaching is anchored in Bachelor's, Master's, PhD and teacher training programmes. Skills for independent and sustainable action based on sound fundamental knowledge should be taught at all levels.

Menschem am Gipfel

Mas­ter of Science in Eco­logy & Biodi­ver­sity

A film made in 2021 aims to arouse curiosity about a Master's degree in Ecology and Biodiversity. Here we provide an overview and tips for prospective students.


After gra­du­a­tion

We recently interviewed graduates of the Master's degree programme in Ecology & Biodiversity. Without exception, the decision to study this programme was perceived as a positive experience


Student portal of biology


Nightline Innsbruck 

Student listening phone

Student mobility

ERASMUS+ (Koordinator for Biology     : Božo Frajman)


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