Innsbruck Doctoral College
Gender and Gender Relations in Transformation:
Spaces - Relations - Representations
The doctoral college features investigations of the transformation of gender and gender relations in their historical, spatial and reciprocal relationships, conditions and effects.
The programme focuses on processes of change, regimes of change and their persistence, including the social struggles and civil society protest constellations that trigger, hinder, mobilize or moderate change. An interdisciplinary, intersectional and transnational/transregional perspective of analysis is essential for this research undertaking.

Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)
The Doctoral College "Gender and Gender Relations in Transformation: Spaces - Relations - Representations" is part of the Research Platform Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)
The Innsbruck Doctoral College is supported by Förderkreis der Universität Innsbruck 1669 - Wissenschaft Gesellschaft